Chapter 21

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Lena woke a few hours after Czar had gone back to try and get more sleep. She found him in the common room with Kara. The two looked like they had been waiting for her. "Sleep well?" Czar asked her. She nodded. "Good, come take a seat" he said. Lena obliged and rubbed the remaining tiredness out of her eyes. "So, whats going on?" she asked. Czar was the one to reply, quite surprisingly. "We're going to Bracca, it should hopefully allow us to regroup, repair the ship, refusel and everything else, without being disturbed for a few days!" he explained. Lena wasn't surprised, it did make logical sense. "But there's more that you wanted to talk about isn't there?" she asked. Czar nodded. "I finally know why they want this holocron..." he answered. Lena waited, deciding to let Czar take it at his own pace. "I think the holocron has information on something that allows Jedi to possibly see the future through it. However, due to the limited part of most being's brains that are actually able to process information, we can only see bits and pieces in a random order..." he explained. Lena quickly caught on. "So that means the cloud or mist, its like something blocking our Mind's eye? Like a bright light for example" she replied. Czar nodded. "Only it opens occasionally and we can still see what we think are the most important events. The Jedi used to have Seers who would try hard to see as many visions as they could. They'd then create prophecies, which the current generation of Jedi largely dismissed..." he said. Lena couldn't stop herself asking the question. "But why? Surely the Jedi knew these visions had some truth to them?" Czar nodded. "They did, and they knew that events seen in those visions could, even would, come to pass. The problem with the Jedi prophecies was many were centuries old and the events hadn't happened or come to pass that anyone knew of... as time went on, people in the order refused to believe the prophecies could happen; although some did!" he answered. Lena nodded. Kara was the next to speak. "So how does the Holocron fit in?" she asked. Czar sighed. "I don't know the specifics, but I do have a theory" he said. "I think that this World between Worlds is a conduit of Force Energy. Gaining access to it would allow someone to change the future, the past or even the present. I'm also convinced that it can do more. It could lead people to immortality or cause catastrophic damage if an Inquisitor used it..." he explained. Lena asked the next question before Kara could. "Can't Jedi change the future? I heard that they had the ability to do that without this... so why the holocron?" Czar nodded. "There are legends of people with the force being able to do that, I can't remember what they called it but it would cause a rift, change the events we would be witnessing or a part of now. For example, say you were the Grandson of a powerful Warrior, and your grandfather stormed a Jedi temple and killed all the Jedi he could, you could walk back through the rift and witness it, maybe even take part in it. The catch is, if you did do that any Jedi who escaped would remember seeing you there even if you hadn't been born yet. At least according to those legends. If that power did exist, it wasn't often associated with the Jedi Order. You'd have to go on a pilgrimage to somewhere not often travelled to learn how to do it..." he explained. Lena thought this over. "But if you wanted to have unlimited control over time itself, you would most likely need the information from the Holocron to find a way to access it?" she asked. Czar's look told her everything. "Ok so, you don't know for sure what this 'Force Conduit' can do?" she asked. He shook his head. "I think that's what my Master was trying to find out, most of this is just speculation. You could use it to save people from death, but change the wrong thing, you could end up causing your own death with no way to undo it..." he said. Kara and Lena shared a very concerned look. "That sounds... dangerous, how do we stop them getting the holocron?" Kara asked. Czar sighed. Lena didn't need to be a force user, or even a spy, to know he'd already thought through that same thing. "I don't know... it stands to reason that Imperials already know some of what we do but they need the holocron to finish their work. It stands to reason that Orion, my master, would have made notes that he kept somewhere. He no doubt had more in his head that he hadn't been able to record before Order 66. As far as I know, he never took the holocron on missions with him, but he was always thorough and careful, so he would have made notes somehow." Lena didn't need to ask anymore about the holocron. "So, why Bracca?" she asked instead. "Enough people come and go that we shouldn't be noticed, and we need time to rest, which brings us to the rules" Czar answered. Lena groaned. "Seriously?" she asked. Czar nodded. "No Lightsabers, we're not looking for people to pay us any attention. No Force Powers at all. Same reason as the Lightsabers. Finally, you stay with either me or Kara at all times, if we are found, we have to leave quickly, understand?" he asked. Lena nodded. "Ok, I understand..." she muttered. Realising the conversation was over, Lena went back to her cabin to study, deciding to take advantage of the time she had.

I watched Lena go. It wasn't hard to see that Kara still had questions. Soon as both doors had closed, I used the force to lock the way in from the cabins so we couldn't be disturbed. "You didn't tell her about Maraego, why not?" she asked. I shrugged. "He's not her enemy, at least not right now. His enemy is me, I'm the one he wants to kill, I just want to keep her out of the crosshairs" I explained. Kara nodded. "I understand, but she should still be ready. Even if you don't want to admit it or officially accept the title, you are her Master; she needs you." I thought over the reply. "I won't accept her as a padawan because I want her to be able to have a life, a real life. Being on the run doesn't allow that. I'm also scared that I'll fail her..." I said after a long few moments of silence. Kara once again nodded. "Then why not just tell her that?" she asked. I considered the question. I knew what I wanted to say: that she needed to come to the conclusion herself. I knew that wasn't true. "Because if I tell her that, I worry she will only want to be my padawan more, and then I know I'll fail her. I can't live up to her expectations of what she thinks the Jedi should be..." I finally answered. Kara didn't need to reply. There was nothing more to say about Lena at that moment. With the conversation over, I got up, unlocked the door, and headed for the cockpit so I could fly. Any distraction from the past, and possible dangers in the future, was welcome.

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