Chapter 30

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I slashed and parried The Eighth Brother as we fought. It had been going for a while. Our sabers locked as we fought on top of the transport. I knew that I was only buying Ahsoka time, and her shocked expression had been more than enough when I leaped over to the other transport. Neither myself nor the Inquisitor could keep the upper hand for long enough to end the fight. Unfortunately, this made him start talking and trying to goad me. "Such a foolish Jedi! You still believe you can change the galaxy!? The jedi failed, they died, just as your master did, begging like a coward!" he taunted. I grunted, and threw him back with all my might. "You're right... the Jedi did fail, they failed me, they failed Orion, they failed all of us!" I said. The Eighth Brother laughed. "They did more than fail us! Just don't forget Padawan, your pathetic master died begging and screaming!" he growled through the helmet. I closed my eyes for a moment, and then opened them. "Then I will avenge him!" I growled in turn. He laughed. "How? By turning to the Dark Side just as you swore not to do?" he asked, enjoying himself. I shook my head. "No, by defeating you as a Grey Jedi!" I said. The Eighth Brother saluted me with his Saber. I returned the gesture, and was more than ready to fight. We charged at each other, and I allowed myself to slip into the force, finally achieving what my master had tried to teach me. I used my perfect sense of balance to perfectly parry and counter attack all the strikes. The fight was fierce and fast, the blue and red lights flashing and illuminating the dark streets. I kept lunging, slashing, parrying. It wasn't impossible to fight, but it wasn't ideal either. I was constantly on the defensive, only able to bat away one half of the double bladed Lightsaber before I had to block the other half. The transport lurched and jolted, and I knew the drivers were trying to make it easier for the Eighth Brother to kill me. I worked on trying to determine the frequency of the jolts as I blocked and parried. Form three wasn't my strongest lightsaber fighting style, but I was proficient enough to block all the attacks effectively. I needed to go on the offensive quickly before I got forced off the transport. The idea came to me quickly, and I timed the next jolt, pushing the Eighth Brother back just enough to gain the upper hand. I started to attack, never letting up so I didn't lose the advantage I had spent so much of the fight working to gain. I'd finally settled into Ataru, or form four, and kept bashing The Eighth Brother back. he blocked and parried my strikes, but I was finally faster. I used all my speed and energy, both natural and enhanced by the force, to keep up the attack. I knew I couldn't kill him, but that wasn't the plan. The plan was just to tire him out and injure him. I reached out with the force, trying to sense the next long straight road by the number of life forms in the streets. A lot of the planet was back alleys and dark streets, but I was in luck. We were almost as a long enough straight. He slashed, I blocked, he slashed again. The fight continued in this way for more than long enough. The Eighth Brother was fuelling all his anger and hate for me into the Dark Side. He wanted me dead, and he wanted it to be painful, very painful. I allowed him to push me back as we fought, and I did the same to him. If we went too far one way, we'd both fall out. We entered a saber lock, and I knew after five seconds that we were on the long straight road I needed. I broke the saber lock, and he charged at me, determined to finish the job for good this time. I jumped out of the way, flipping over him, just in time. I caught his Lightsaber on mine, forcing us into a saber lock. "You can't beat me Jedi!" he snarled. I didn't answer, instead I focused on keeping the Saberlock, and kicked him off the front of the transport. As he tried to hold on, I walked up, kicked him the face and then crushed his hands beneath my feet. I heard the agonising scream as he got run over by the hovering vehicle. I jumped off, and stalked over to him. I watched him try and force himself to his knees, and then glare up at me. "Go on then Padawan, kill me, its what you want... COME ON! DO IT!" he yelled the last part. I deactivated my Lightsaber. "No, its not what I want, its what you want me to do, you've lost" I said. The Eighth Brother laughed. "So what does this mean then? Are you a Jedi Knight now!?" he demanded. I shook my head, and knelt down. "No, it means I'm not going to kill you, because you deserve a chance to live" I said. I started turning to leave. The Eighth Brother grunted. "Coward!" he yelled as I started to walk away. I shook my head. "No, sometimes the greater courage is to turn and leave so your enemy may live" I said. I walked away as The Eighth Brother screamed. I didn't look back, there was no need. The fight was won, and my mortal enemy was beaten.

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