Chapter 33

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Kara didn't need Lena to say the words. She had already guessed it for herself. The fleet of evacuation ships had escaped Raxxaann and were flying through space. Czar had said before he left they'd need to do a number of jumps so the empire wouldn't track them. She stood staring out at the stars, when someone arrived by her side. "Are you alright?" asked a male voice. Kara wiped the tears away from her face. "No, I uh... lost someone, today" she said. the man nodded. "I understand... I did as well" he said. Kara looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry for your loss, who did you lose?" she asked. "The same one you did" he said. "Commander Sato...?" she asked. He nodded. "It is a pleasure to meet you" he said. "Czar's gone, isn't he?" she asked. "Yes, but I think he would be proud of what you have done here" he said. Kara smiled sadly. "I just wish he could be here to see all of this" she said. Sato nodded. "Come to the bridge, there is someone who wants to meet you" he said. Kara nodded, steeled herself, and followed him. When she arrived, there was a hologram is Senator Bail Organa. "Am I dreaming?" she asked. The hologram of Bail turned to face her. He smiled. "No, it isn't, and I am sorry for your loss. I was wondering if you and I could talk?" he asked. Kara considered this. "About what Senator?" she asked. He smiled. "The Rebellion" he said simply. Kara nodded, and the two started talking. Kara listened carefully to every word Organa spoke. Kara left the bridge when her chat with Organa had finished; thinking over her options. Czar had told her some things about fighting in a war, how it ate away at you and destroyed someone. Bail was very convincing, but he was a senator leading a double life, he had to be. Kara didn't know exactly where Czar had hidden the holocron, but he hadn't trusted it to the rebellion for a reason. Kara felt like it was now her duty to try and protect it from the Empire. She wasn't going to join the rebellion, but she would be more than happy to help them whenever they needed it. She returned to staring out at the stars.

Lena wasn't sure how she had felt. Her power with the force had grown, so much so that she had sensed Czar's death. Kara hadn't wanted her to say the words, but she had felt obliged to. She was a Jedi. She knew she only had very limited training and she was no match for any enemy with a Lightsaber, she didn't have one anymore for starters. Czar had left behind some big shoes to fill, and she was determined to do her best for him. He had taught her a lot. "Lena" Fulcrum's voice came. "Yes?" she asked. "You did well at Raxxaann, as far as the Empire seems to be concerned it was a cell led by Czar" Fulcrum explained. Lena sighed. "The cost for our secrecy was too high" she reminded her superior. "Perhaps, but innocents survived, and Commander Sato and the soldiers he had accompany him have stated they wish to join us. The Senator is asking his friend and companion right now" Fulcrum said. Lena nodded. "So, a victory?" she asked. Fulcrum considered for a few moments. "Not a very big one" was the reply. Lena nodded. "Understood" was all she said, and the transmission ended, leaving her alone. Lena doubted Kara would join the rebellion. She'd said czar had shared a few experiences of fighting a war, and that she couldn't handle being a part of it. Godar, Brody and the ones who'd witnessed all Czar had done for them had joined up along with Sato. She'd seen to their recruitment personally. It was time to get to work, and carry on the legacy of the Jedi Order.

Ahsoka entered the detention block of The Skywalker and steeled herself. She walked in. "Leave us" she said to the guards. They did so, and Barriss looked up at her through the force field. "Have you come to gloat about finally having me in a cell?" she asked, her voice echoing slightly. Ahsoka shook her head. "I'm not one to gloat Barriss, many others would have preferred killing you. I saved your life" Ahsoka said. The inquisitor scoffed. "Do you want a thank you?" she asked sarcastically. Ahsoka shook her head. "I want to know if it was all worth it: The Temple bombing, framing me, all those people dead?" Ahsoka asked. Barriss looked up at Ahsoka and smiled. "I was proven right, the Jedi fell to the Dark Side, they abandoned you, tossed you aside!" she said. Ahsoka sighed. "Then they put you in a cell, and you can't even say you didn't deserve to be there" Ahsoka said. Barriss shrugged. "I don't regret what I did... what do you want Ahsoka?" she asked. Ahsoka sighed. "I want answers Barriss, what is the Empire looking for that involved the holocron?" she asked. Barriss laughed. "Power that you can only dream of Ahsoka... and it will be the empire who controls it. I don't owe you anything" she said laughing slightly. Ahsoka turned to leave. "I hope you change your mind Barriss, I hope you come to see the light again" she said, turning to leave. Barriss laughed harder. "You won't get any answers Ahsoka! That holocron contains the secrets of the force, and you're not worthy of them!" she said. Ahsoka nodded. "I know I'm not, but neither is the Empire..." she said. "Goodbye for now Barriss." Ahsoka walked away from the cell, leaving Barriss alone. Ahsoka needed to find the holocron.

The Eighth Brother wandered the wreckage of Raxxaann's city where the skirmish had taken place. His healing hadn't taken as long as he had thought, and the Jedi was dead. Lord Vader had killed him easily enough, although rumours among the other Inquisitors was, he had lasted longer than most against his master. The Eleventh Sister was missing, and had been presumed dead after the brief fight on Nar Shadda. The Eighth Brother didn't particularly care what her fate was. Like all the Inquisitors, she was a tool, and she had served her purpose. The holocron had been found in an abandoned temple on some remote world, but had yet to be opened. Whatever Czar Daraine had given his life for had been in vain. The Eighth Brother smiled to himself at that thought. There would be another Jedi found eventually who could open the holocron and reveal its secrets. It was just a matter of time. The rest of Raxxaann had been told that an accident had destroyed this city, leaving no survivors. The mission had been completed, and he had a new one. He was being sent to hunt a 'Shadow' and kill it. He finished his brief inspection of the wreckage before heading back to his ship. Korrann and Morgan were no longer assigned to him. He didn't care. The Star Destroyer and its crew had served its purpose. He found it hard to believe it had only been a month since what had happened. He kicked some more of the broken settlement, and walked back to his ship. "Its time to find this Shadow!" he said to himself, and took off. The Empire still stood strong, and so did he along with it.

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