Chapter 29

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It didn't take long for me to get anonymous message. I looked it over, and I knew where we were going. Kara had said she'd drop me off. According to the message, we were to help locate several important Rebel Sympathisers and help them go into hiding. They weren't the highest figures inside senate staff, but they were high enough that they warranted such a mission. The briefing from Ahsoka had explained that they had been taken prisoner on Nar Shadda by ISB. An elite imperial unit who kept order in secret. Stormtroopers, and a new group much taller than normal Stormtroopers, in dark black armour that I didn't recognise; had also been called in. if Coruscant was paradise, Nar Shadda was paradise for criminals. Both were planetwide cities only the latter was full of criminals and corruption. The skyscrapers were huge, and in some ways, daunting. I didn't know what we would be running into. It was reasonable to suspect that we were also setting a trap, largely for the two Inquisitors. If either showed up I knew that with Ahsoka I would be able to defeat them. I looked around now as we waited at our stakeout point. Ahsoka, to her credit, was just as restless as I was. According to her, Bail had agents out here, enough to fill a small criminal gang. Most of the people were here to get were senate aids or assistants. The bad news was placing them in hiding on Nar Shadda was not what either of us had in mind; especially as Bail had lost contact with them, so much so Ahsoka herself had been assigned the mission to retrieve them. Even worse news: Lena was part of the team. Ahsoka had not bothered explaining it. I didn't blame her; she had a mission and a hit to lead. Both of us had blasters, and I was in my Mandalorian Armour. I also had my Lightsaber, and knew Ahsoka had her ones as well. "Last time we met I don't think you ever told me how you joined the Rebellion" I said to break the silence. In truth, after three hours, I was more than a little bored. She smiled. "I don't think you told me you were a Mandalorian" she said. I shrugged. "I'm not, the armour was a gift from a friend" I said. Ahsoka's eyebrow raised. "Was he a Mandalorian?" she asked. I shrugged. My sadness was also invisible under the helmet, so I finally elaborated. "I never found out, he died saving me after Order 66" I said. It quickly became clear that I wasn't going to go further into detail. I kept watching, the aides and advisors prison transport still hadn't shown up. "So, do I get an answer to my question? Its clear you joined up for more than you told me aboard Bail's ship..." I said. Ahsoka sighed. "I joined because I couldn't stand by and do nothing anymore... for a year I stood by, only worried about taking care of myself. I helped people, but it didn't feel like enough." She explained, and I could see the sadness in her eyes. "We're not Jedi anymore" I pointed out. "Its not about being a Jedi, its about doing the right thing" she said. I shrugged. "Trust me Tano, doing the right thing usually leaves us high and dry" I replied. I felt Ahsoka glare at me. "You don't believe that..." she said. I finally let my feelings loose. "Don't I? look around you, the galaxy has turned their backs on us, they hate us, why should we be doing anything for them? You want to help people, fine, help people, don't bother helping the galaxy, because all it will do is toss you aside when its done with you!" I ranted, but I still had one final bit to say. "Stop looking out for them, and look out for yourself, don't die for them because they don't deserve it!" my words were laced with venom. I wasn't saying what I had just said out of fear, I did genuinely believe it. Just because I had helped a few people on Raxxaann, and was going back for them, didn't mean I was going to delude myself into joining some crusade. The only people in my life that mattered, were me and Kara. "If you believe that, then why are you going back for the people on Raxxaann? Why are you helping us? Why are you trying to convince yourself that you shouldn't join the Rebellion?" she asked. If I hadn't been wearing a helmet, I'd have given a look that turned her to hardest stone in the galaxy. "Because I'm saving my friends, you and your rebellion are going to burn under the Empire, I'm not going to fight for a galaxy that didn't truly fight for us!" I said. "The only reason I'm helping you is because I have to for you to help me save my friends!" I said. the anger I'd tried to keep contained came out a snarl. Ahsoka finally sighed, and didn't push the subject. A short while later, I heard Lena's voice over my Comm frequency. "Fulcrum, targets spotted, we have a short window before their reinforcements come around as well" she said. Ahsoka's voice, distorted as always, answered. "Copy that watcher seven, ready to move in on your signal" she said. I sighed. If the Inquisitors were here, they'd be at the front. "Are you ready?" Ahsoka asked. I nodded, more than willing to honour the deal I had made. "On my mark" came Lena's voice. I could see the prisoner transport moving into position. I took out my blasters and got ready. "Mark!" Lena instructed. I jumped down from the building on top of the transport, and got inside. I found the prisoners, roughly seven of them. The stormtroopers guarding them reached for their weapons, and I killed them without mercy or reluctance. I moved up the drivers seat as Ahsoka cut them free. I quickly and effectively veered the transport onto another course. I made my way back. "Get them clear, I'll make sure we're not being followed" I said. I saw her look at me in confusion as I didn't have a Jetpack. In response, I made my way on top, and leaped across. I was not surprised when I saw The Eighth Brother standing there, Lightsaber ignited, and waiting for me...

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