Chapter 3

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Kara looked around as she flew, not entirely sure what to think, as the rain pounded against the ship. Flying in these conditions was dangerous, but she was worry about Czar too much. The nightmares were nothing new, and she was vaguely aware of his history of fighting in the Clone Wars. Understandably though, he didn't want to discuss it. Kara didn't blame him, she knew she'd be exactly the same. All the same though, she wanted to help him. Before she could think much more about it, her communicator started beeping. She activated the hologram, seeing Brody, and spoke. "Whats the story?" she asked, referring to the worsening flying conditions. "Not good, they're saying we still have to fly it all there and back, and the conditions are only getting worse and worse..." Kara sighed heavily in irritation. "Nothing the Supervisors can do? If we fly like this, no matter how good we are as pilots, we're going to die!" she says with an exasperated tone. Brody's expressions weren't as clear as they could be through the Hologram, but Kara knew he was just as annoyed. Brody nods his head. "I agree, the best we can do is get the latest shipment and then check if we have new orders" Brody replied. Kara gives her affirmative before signing off the transmission. As she flew her ship, skilfully fighting the wind not for dominance, but just for passage, she wondered about Czar and what he thought of everything currently happening. No doubt he was still crawling atop Jedi Cruisers. Kara wondered why he was so interested in what they held, he had said before that a Jedi had helped him and his people when they were a resistance movement, and caused a victory. If anything, she supposed it was to do with a debt he felt he owed them. Eventually she stopped thinking about it after bringing back a shipment of some other metals. She dropped it off and thought for a few moments, and then jerked up in surprise after seeing an ISB agent out of the corner of her eye. She saw him look back but he didn't seem interested by her. She found that surprising given her smuggling of salvage items out of the graveyard. Godar was on their list she knew he would be. He publicly claimed no involvement with the Bothan Spy net, but like other small groups she had heard rumours of; he was resisting them in other ways. She returned to unloading the scrap metal and parts. After some time unloading, Brody came over. "You got it all done?" he asked. Per usual he was being a bit too optimistic as Kara was nowhere near done. "You won't be so optimistic if ISB want to talk to you..." Kara mutters. Brody scowled. "They can't be back here again...? Not so soon, their last check was two days ago!" he said in quiet outrage. Kara gave a resigned smile. "Yeah... they're back, think they're still trying to find out who's smuggling things from those ships?" she asked. Brody didn't even hesitate. "Think Czar and Godar know?" he asked her. Kara nodded. "Czar has a habit for seeing things, even when they're not supposed to be seen, and he'll have told Godar about it" she replied. Brody nodded, clearly slightly more at ease with that knowledge. "How many more shipments do you still need to make?" he asks as he helps her unload a few crates of parts. Kara thought for a few moments. "Eighteen scrap metal shipments and fifteen parts shipments, needless to say they're packing it all to the brim" she responds as she heaved another crate off her ship. Brody shrugged and then responded. "Its pretty much the same for me, is there some kind of inspection today?" Kara spent a few moments studying the rest of the pilots. "No, people are not rushing around fast enough, my guess is they're just doing an investigation to some level, and people don't want the trouble so they're going a lot faster than they need to be" she explained checking her manifest. Brody looked over his. "So, think they're investigating us?" he asks Kara as she kept looking and preparing to load up more scrap metal crates. She shrugs. "Doubt it, our records are clean, Czar's is never gonna get a bad thing on and Godar would only get a strike for his dry sarcasm and dull humour if anything" she answered simply. Brody sighs. "Don't let Godar hear you say that" he says, but with a small grin on his face. Kara laughed slightly, and then starts to check his manifest over. "People are moving at double the speed, normally we're the fast ones..." he comments, trying to pick up the conversation without an awkward silence. Kara sighed and nodded. "Yeah... and to think normally we're the ones pushing the limits not to stand out, but to get the jobs done" she retorted checking the charts showing where she had to fly to and load her ship there. Kara eventually gave her brief farewell to Brody and boarded her ship. There were many cargo pilots, and many more openings for them. Kara knew that Czar was a great pilot in his own right; she also knew that flying in these conditions were extremely dangerous. Czar himself had stated that she was the better pilot, which was high praise coming from him. Kara knew he didn't have an ego issue. He was more the stoic and quiet type who took everything seriously. Kara guessed it was due to his background of fighting in a war, considering he was very guarded and quiet around most people, but often described as kind by almost everyone he interacted with as well. Kara rarely asked him about his history in the clone wars. Last night was an exception, and the nightmares weren't, but she would rarely get any of the answers out of him. Kara suspected that Czar would eventually open up in time about his experiences and when he did, she would be there to listen. Everyone needs a friend at somepoint when they can't hold it in any longer... she thought to herself as she flew across the graveyard. She was taking a long way around, largely due to the fact that going through any shorter lanes was pretty much begging for an accident in her mind. Kara knew a lot about suicide flyers, Brody was one, but she wondered why they flew the way they flew. According to Brody, it was due to the way the galaxy was these days. He and other Suicide Flyers weren't doing it just for the thrill, they were doing it because they had the view that The Empire, and governments period; were far too serious. Kara didn't entirely disagree with that statement, many people from Raxaann, to Bracca to Gorse enjoyed having fun as they worked. Czar had stated before that he understood their actions. Kara while she understood didn't agree with their choices, but it was their lives. As she kept flying, she felt the storm pick up, and had the very uneasy feeling that there would be some kind of accident somewhere. She just hoped that Czar wasn't involved. It wasn't because she didn't think he could be hurt, it was more to do with the fact that every time something went wrong, czar was either unscathed or felt like he had to play hero. Kara sighed to herself as she kept thinking about it. It was common that an accident would happen almost every day, and Czar was always trying to save someone. Kara admired him for that, if only because most beings would only be concerned with looking out for themselves. Overall, Czar kept himself isolated, and Kara wasn't surprised that he did. just wish he was more open she says to herself. Czar's co-workers when he wasn't with Godar described him as polite and kind, but also quiet. He did enough not to stand out but get the job done and no more. Kara had given up trying to get him to open up quite some time ago; although she was privately begging him to. Kara brought her mind back to focus as she came up to the landing post on the moon. She didn't need to get off her ship this time. Largely because of the moon being a vacuum, Kara got up and detached the Scrap metal which had been loaded into massive containers on the bottom of her ship. The containers detached from the magnetised clamps and Kara then went back to the cockpit. Time to get this over with and soon she thinks to herself. She wondered if Czar and Godar had finished that cruiser's inspection yet or not. Regardless she hoped he was safe as the storm planetside was picking up.

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