Chapter 32

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When I finally found where most of the people were being held, everything changed. The lack of stormtroopers had made clear very that I was walking into a trap. I didn't care and I just kept going. It wasn't long before I saw him. The tall, dark figure, covered head to toe in black. His mask and helmet were very clearly designed to cause an enemy to feel fear, and his breathing. His breathing was loud, cold, and sent shivers down the spine of anyone and everyone who heard it. I stared, waiting for him to make the first move. I noticed he had a Lightsaber in his hand, but not one like the Inquisitors used. When he didn't move to fight me, I simply stood, letting the rain pour on to my armour. I pulled off my helmet and let it fall to the ground. "Alright, I've found you, now who are you and what do you want!?" I demanded. The figure's breathing was interrupted by a deep, evil voice. "That should be more than obvious Jedi!" he said. "I will show this people and this planet mercy, if you tell me where you have hidden the holocron!" I wasn't surprised at his words, and I made sure to keep my face neutral. "There are no holocrons! You and your Inquisitors will have seen to that!" I said. I knew everyone could hear us. It seemed logical he'd want this to be dramatic, to prove that the Jedi were traitors and couldn't save these people. I was more than happy to play along. "Is that why you're here?" I said loudly. The hand gripped the lightsaber tighter, and I stood ready in case the fight was about to begin. "The Jedi Order is dead, surrender now and you will be allowed to live!" he said. I shook my head. "You're wasting your time! I'm not giving you anything or anyone" I said. the figure didn't seem to care. "Then perhaps one of these creatures will give me what you will not!" he threatened. I drew his attention back to me quickly enough. "I thought that at the very least you would have honour when you faced me, but now I see that you're just a coward like all of your Inquisitors!" I said. He turned back to me. "My Inquisitors were weak; I will destroy them!" he said. I made sure my grip on my Lightsaber was tight. "Not if I kill you first...!" I said. "Cold blooded murder is not the Jedi Way!" he said, trying to bait me. I shook my head. "But I am not a Jedi!" I said, igniting my Lightsaber. The figure in front of me ignited his own. As I had suspected, the blade was blood red. I ran at him, and our sabers clashed against each other. I blocked every strike he threw at me, barely able to stay on my feet. I couldn't parry, but I could counter attack. I dodged the next attack and swung for his head. I hadn't expected to hit, but I had also hoped I wouldn't thrown to the side. "Submit!" he said in his deep voice. I backflipped up, pulled out one of my Blasters and started firing. He blocked every shot perfectly, but I was running towards him. Our lightsabers locked and I pushed against him, as useless as it was. As he pushed down against me, it seemed like the fight was lost. I kept pushing back with all of my strength. I never found out if such a thing would work, because at that moment, there were several explosions, causing my opponent to stagger. I took advantage of my opening and kicked him in the chest sending him back. I got up and swung my lightsaber down, only to be pushed back by the force. I felt him coming towards me and activated my lightsaber again, blocking the killing blow at the very last second. Another explosion sounded, closer this time, causing us both to stagger. I didn't fight back, and this time ran out, to see Fighter craft attacking the city. I deactivated my lightsaber, and ran to free the civilians. I blasted the Stormtroopers as I ran to free my friends. When I saw Godar and Brody, I used the force, breaking the fence that they had been forced behind. "Come on!" I yelled to everyone. I saw the cruisers starting to land. "Everyone get on in an orderly manner!" I said. The blaster fire suddenly seemed too intense and anyone who tried to board would be cut down. "Czar! We can't get close enough!" I heard Lena say through my arm's commlink. I sighed. "I know, circle around, I'll deal with the troopers!" I yelled back. Brody either forgot I had a few tricks up my sleeve, or he couldn't help but be sarcastic. "How are you going to handle them!?" he asked. "Watch and learn!" I shouted back. I holstered my Blaster and stood up, walking out in front of the hoard of Stormtroopers. I reached deep down with the force and shoved them back, activating my Lightsaber and deflecting their fire. I could sense the dark figure making his way towards me, but he seemed not to be rushing. I noticed people staring as I deflected the blaster fire back at them. "Time to get going!" I yelled to them as I held off the stormtroopers. The civilians kept piling on to the ship. I knew the rest were landing. Kara had joined the fray and was piling people on to our ship. I shot her a look, and gave her a smile and a nod. She nodded back and I got back to work. Just as the last civilian boarded the ship, I heard the humming of the lightsaber blade flying through the air. I raised my lightsaber and blocked the attack. I felt the whole thing press against me. "GO!" I yelled to the people watching me. I tried to grab the red lightsaber's hilt, and barely avoided getting my hand cut off as it was yanked back to its owner. "Who are you!?" I demanded. "I am Darth Vader, the Emperor's Hand and chief enforcer!" he answered. He shoved me back with a force push, and produced a Jedi Holocron. I tried to will myself back to my feet, and I saw Lena and Kara both running towards me. "Tell me where I can find the Holocron, and you and your friends will live!" he said. I shook my head. "Never!" I snarled. "How...?" he flew the holocron in front of my face. Vader didn't seem amused by my squirming. "Did you really think there wouldn't be a second!?" he asked. "Show me how to open this holocron, and I promise you and your friends will die quickly!" he threatened. I shook my head. Before the lightsaber could arch downwards, something shot at Vader, and allowed me enough time to get free. I got to my feet, and I saw Kara and Lena staring terrified at Vader. I got in front of him, and didn't look over my shoulder. "RUN BOTH OF RUN, GET THEM OUT OF HERE!" I ordered. "Czar..." Lena started. "RUN! I'LL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" I said. they both obeyed, and I activated my Lightsaber. Vader stalked towards me, and the fight began anew. I blocked and parried, refusing to allow myself to be beaten into submission. As fast a swordsman as I was, Vader was faster, and I knew there was no chance of beating him. The fight kept making headway across the city. I had no idea how long the duel had been progressing, when something blasted at us, knocking me back off my feet. Lena was standing on the boarding ramp of The Retribution. "Come on! Get on board!" she yelled. I got to my feet, broken, bruised and bleeding. I shook my head. "Get them out of here now!" I said. Lena shook her head. "We won't survive!" she protested. I heard Vader getting closer. "Go! NOW!" I ordered. I saw the tears falling down Lena's face. "Czar, catch!" she yelled, and I caught my Master's lightsaber. "Get them out of here now! The Jedi must live on in you!" I said. Lena nodded. I had time to give her one last look. "Remember my padawan... trust only in the force!" I said. Before Lena could say anything else or do anything stupid, I threw both hands out in front of me, throwing the ship away with the force. I activated my lightsabers just in time, fighting and attacking. I had become one with the force. I got thrown back many times, but I knew every second I fought was another life saved. Vader grabbed me with the force. "You should have opened the holocron!" he said. I choked out a laugh. "No, you can't open it Sith, and I'm not going to do it for you!" I gasped. Vader didn't seem to care. "Then perhaps another Jedi will do what you would not!" he said. "Where is the Holocron!?" I laughed again, wheezing and unable to breathe. "Somewhere you will never find it!" I said. Summoning my last bit of willpower I threw my Lightsaber into his shoulder. Vader let out a scream, and stabbed me through the chest with his own lightsaber. I howled in pain. "Now you die, as all Jedi must!" he said. I closed my eyes and smiled, as I finally became one with the Force...

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