Chapter 31

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After getting the sympathisers off Nar Shadda, I had said I would be in contact with Lena. True to her word, Ahsoka had given me 5 ships to use for the mission to Raxxaann. It was more than enough for me to use, especially as I hadn't been planning to evacuate the entire planet. After I explained the plan to Kara, which in essence was to create a diversion with some of Sato's troops while everyone else got on ships and escaped, everything had been quiet. As I meditated, I thought back on the journey we had been on. There had been a lot of ups and downs, but deep down, I knew that the whole thing was worth it. Lena had been right when we had gone through the temple on Tython, this whole thing was going to end with my death. It was almost certain unless the force dictated that I was to survive. It had no reason to obviously. I had ignored the Jedi way for so long even if I had still done the deeds of one. Kara, I knew wished I didn't have to do this, wished there was another way to do this. I already knew that there wasn't. Godar and Brody were counting on me to get them and everyone else of the city. I tried to peer in to the future, wondering what I would find. I didn't see anything. I sighed in a clearly non surprised way. I hadn't expected to see anything. I decided to think everything through logically. According what Godar had said to Kara, something worse than an Inquisitor was on planet, waiting for me or something else. It wasn't very specific. It was more than reasonable to assume security on Raxxaann was very tight across the whole planet. I sighed again, aware that I was about to go into a massive battle. When the meditation was over, I opened my eyes and stood. I didn't have my Jedi Robes, but they wouldn't have been suitable for this mission. Instead, I put on my Mandalorian Armour, checked my Blasters and other gadgets, and then I finally checked my Lightsaber's power cell. Everything seemed fine. Physically, I was ready for what was going to happen. Things weren't going to be easy. I looked at my few possessions in my cabin and wondered if I would ever see them again, but I knew it wasn't very likely. I was more nervous than I thought as I mentally prepared myself. I knew that things would move very fast when the battle began. I wanted to get on the ground quickly and see what exactly I was working with. I steeled myself, and placed the helmet under my arm as I walked into the cockpit. Kara looked me, and I could see the sadness in her eyes. "So, we're really doing this?" she asked. I nodded. "We are, did anyone make it out of the cities?" I asked. She shrugged. "Not sure, when do Sato and the others arrive?" she asked. "My contact has arranged fighters and cruisers, Sato and the people he was able to convince and gather are going to be collecting them. Until then, its just me and anyone who can use a Blaster" I said. Kara nodded. "Ok, I'll get you on the ground" she said. I looked out, finally acknowledging the stormy world ahead. Kara landed the ship and I departed quite quickly. As far out from the small city and shipyards as I was, I didn't want to take any chances. I moved silently towards the settlement, aware that everything was a big risk. I finally found a nearby arch I could take shelter under. I reached out with the force, and could sense only a deep, dark, black hole close by. I didn't know what it was, but I knew it was waiting for me. I sighed and allowed myself a short amount of time to rest, and then carried on moving. I finally entered the city. Most of it was quiet, but that wasn't surprising considering it was still working hours. I wasn't wrong, there were lots of stormtroopers everywhere and I could see a squad or two of Purge Troopers as well. I didn't seem to be attracting any more than the normal amount of attention for a Mandalorian or a Bounty Hunter. I blended in as much as I possibly could, and surveyed my surroundings. Things seemed normal, but I noticed the Imperial troops forcing civilians through checkpoints. The empire had become so much more brutal. A lot of areas were clearly restricted, raids were taking place. I saw it all. I didn't know whether this was because of Motti's failures to contain the criminal elements here. Godar would have been careful to avoid smuggling anything, and hopefully he'd got what things he had smuggled off world. I moved forwards, walking towards what was waiting. It felt like I had taken the first steps into a darkness unlike any other.

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