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22 Years later...

Ahsoka walked along the surface of the planet. After meeting with Kara, Ahsoka had taken her ship and made for Borund Kass to find the holocron Czar had been so intent on keeping hidden from everyone. Even now, over twenty years later Ahsoka had no idea why he hadn't trusted her with it, but she had respected the decision. Now the empire was gone; and Ahsoka had a new mission, but first she needed to find that holocron. After her experience in the World between Worlds Ahsoka needed information. Kara had told her it was likely Czar had hidden the holocron because it contained the information. When the Inquisitors had found it, they had taken it to a base on planet. That base was deserted now, but Ahsoka speculated that the holocron remained here. The empire had left in a hurry, and they didn't have the time to take everything they dug up with them. She finally reached the deserted compound, and made her way inside. Ahsoka didn't know if the holocron contained anything more than the few secrets than she had discovered on her own. All she had was hope. She'd set foot into something strange, alien perhaps. The World between Worlds was a mystery the Jedi had been searching for for eons. Eventually, after a long while of searching, she found the holocron. Ahsoka questioned if she should even open it, if she even had the right to open it. She sighed. "It doesn't matter... you have to know" she said to herself. Breathing in, Ahsoka used the force and opened the holocron. The first thing inside, was a message from Czar. "To whomever has found this holocron, whoever has opened it, then you have stumbled across, or discovered, my Master's greatest secret. You've discovered what he called the 'Conduit of the Force' which is a world that changes everything in the galaxy we know about space and time, and everything the Jedi knew about the force. I do not understand it myself, and I don't have all of the pieces to the puzzle. I hid this holocron for a reason, because in anyone's hands it would put the galaxy in great danger. I am not a Jedi at the time of recording this message, but I was once, and I struggled with their ideals. I have hidden this holocron somewhere safe, and if you did find it because you were searching, then the holocron has called to you. I don't know how, and I don't know why. All I do know is that it is for a reason, and it didn't call to me. I kept the holocron safe, but by doing so I was hunted by the Dark Side and those who believed in it so they could try and gain it's secrets. I cannot be certain that I have brought enough time, but I do have faith that the true Jedi, who believe in the Jedi Code, will be able to stop the plans of the sith. In this holocron you will find as much information as I did. It will not be much, but I hope that it helps. May the Force be with you Jedi..." The message ended after that. Ahsoka closed the holocron, and turned to leave. She had found what she needed, and now she had to use it. If she was going to find Ezra Bridger, the only being who had ever set foot in this world, then she needed to understand it. Ahsoka couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen something, or had made his plan. She had to find out what it was, and soon. She had the holocron with her and there would be plenty of time to study it. Luke Skywalker stood waiting for her on the ship's boarding ramp. "Did you find what you were looking for?" he asked. Ahsoka smiled. "I think I might have" she said. Luke nodded. "That's good, but you're not going to tell me about it are you?" he asked. Ahsoka shook her head. "I can't yet, I don't want this to be for nothing" she said. Luke nodded again in understanding. "Then once you've dropped me off that will be goodbye?" he asked. Ahsoka nodded. "For now, yes, but remember what you were taught" she said. Luke smiled. "So, now you drop me off, but on the way, could you tell me more about my father?" he asked. Ahsoka nodded. "What do you want to know?" she asked. Luke smiled, and took off. Ahsoka let herself sink into the good memories of her and Anakin Skywalker, and as Luke asked his questions, she smiled and passed those memories on to him. The memories of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, belonged to his son, and hero of the New Republic: Luke Skywalker, and Ahsoka didn't care what he did with them. She simply answered, and told his father's story.

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