Chapter 18

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I looked around the sanctuary. I wasn't expecting much more to come from it, but I'd rather be completely sure than not. The chances of us being able to return to Tython were quite slim. I glanced at the items. It didn't take me long to reach the conclusion that they would be safer here than with me. "I think we should everything here" I said to Lena. She shrugs. "Its your choice" she said, and followed me out. The doorway closed behind us, and I started walking deeper into the temple. As we walked, I heard Kara's voice in my ear. "Czar, this could be nothing, but I am detecting ships landing not too far from the temple!" she informed me. I gritted my teeth. "Imperial?" I asked. Kara's answer came a little bit later. "I can't be completely sure; the surface may be green and full of wild plains but there's too much atmospheric interference... I recommend you be quick or we're going to be leaving in a hurry!" she said. "Copy, keep me updated" I said. Lena gave me a curious look. "You sure that's wise?" she asked. I nodded. "These Temples are big, so if we have to fight, we do it on our terms" I explained. Lena shrugged. "And what are our terms?" she asked. I smiled under my helmet. "For starters, we need to have the High Ground, otherwise we may as well get both our arms and legs cut off and burn in fire..." I said. Lena gave me a questioning look. "I'm serious" I said. I kept walking through the temple, until I saw some markings. "I wonder..." I muttered, and removed my helmet. I looked at the markings, realising there was something unique about them. I studied them briefly. "Impossible..." I muttered. Although there was a lot left to speculation from the report, I had heard the rumours. I was looking at the carvings of at least three other beings. They were extremely powerful, local tribes were worshipping them as Gods. I never had learned what they were called, but I knew that some Jedi, three in fact, had encountered beings of similar descriptions during the Clone Wars. There was one female, and two males. From what I could tell, the female seemed to radiated in light and power. She seemed to bathe in life, everything in the carvings and images looked brighter with her around. The male on the far right was the exact opposite. He radiated darkness, death, destruction and decay. If I had to guess, they were the physical representations of the light and Dark Sides of the Force. The one in between seemed to be the balance between the two. "What are they?" Lena asked me. I shrugged. "I don't think anyone knows completely for certain... tribal life forms worshipped them as Gods at some point or another in time. They were rumoured to still be somewhere in the galaxy not that long ago..." I explained. Lena looked at the wall. I moved further down. "Whats that they're standing in front of?" Lena asked. I turned back and realised I had walked past some more carved images. "I don't know... it looks circular..." I said. I analysed the image a bit more. The location looked like it could be good for farming. "Do you recognise the place?" I asked. Lena looked at it closely, considering. "If we're talking planets, there are a few places... the landscape looks like Lothal, a world on the outer rim" she answered. I looked at the carvings. "It might be worth me opening my Master's holocron again... there might be more information..." I said. I noticed Lena's nod. I kept going through the temple. "Czar, I have confirmation, they're Imperials, but from what I can tell they're not sure how to get in" Kara said. "How long do we have?" I asked. Lena's hand hovered by the Lightsaber on her belt. "A few minutes, I might need to move but I'll monitor everything I can for as long as possible" she said. "Copy that, we'll do what we can to avoid too much trouble!" I answered. "Fight or flight?" Lena asked. I quickly reached out with the force. "Fight, but we have to be smart, we don't know how many there are or if they have Inquisitors" I answered. "You remember what I taught you?" I asked. Lena nodded. "I do" she said. I nodded. "Good, leave any Inquisitors to me" I instructed, and led the way deeper into the temple. As we kept going deeper into the temple, I thought on everything we had seen. I had no way of being sure without opening the holocron, but I was certain that the three figures carved on the walls had something to do with his discovery. I knew that they had reappeared, a report my master had been reading confirmed that. He hadn't given me details, but he had considered it a breakthrough, I knew he had likely come to Tython, a mission I had requested not to be a part of. I knew the basics; Orion had thought there would be concrete proof that what he had been searching for was real. I started to wish that I had come along after all. It wouldn't be the greatest help now if I had, although I would have more to work with. Eventually we reached somewhere that would be much more in line with what we needed. "This will be a good place" I said. Lena quickly scanned the room, assessing it. It was an old hallway with several levels. "It's the best we have with what little time there is" I said. Lena nodded. "True, I think we can make it work!" she said. I leaped up above the hallway floor, Lena did the same, but the landing was a lot less graceful. I caught her, and helped her land. "I might need to teach you to be more graceful" I called out. She nodded. "That and more!" she called back. I sighed to myself. "Have they found a way inside?" I asked into my commlink. "They have, there's no Star Destroyer in orbit, you've got maybe fifteen minutes before they get to you. I'm going to try and see if they have Fighters, and if they do, try and remove them" Kara answered. "be careful and stay safe!" I said. "Always, and may the Force be with you" she said. I cut the transmission, and we simply started to wait.

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