Chapter 14

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The Eighth Brother walked closer, his own Lightsaber raised and ready to strike. I kept my Sabers raised. "This is not going to go well..." Lena muttered. "There is a method to my madness!" I protested. Lena looked at me sceptically. "Give me the holocron Padawan! Perhaps the Emperor will be merciful!" he said. I shook my head. "I'm not changing my previous answer!" I answered. The Eighth Brother. "Prying it off your cold corpse is also an option!" he snarled. I shrugged. The two Inquisitors charged at me, and I blocked and countered every one of their attacks. I knew I couldn't win against one Inquisitor, let alone two. Like me and Lena though, they knew I wasn't fighting to win just to buy time. I kept fighting, pushing, and getting more and more tired. My exploits over the past few days had taken a toll. As I fought, I heard the rumbling of a ship approaching. I jumped, barrel rolled, everything I could to buy more time. Eventually, I was noticed I was losing speed. Noticing, The Eighth Brother forced me back against a railing. "The Holocron... do you even have it!? Or did you come here to steal knowledge for your new apprentice padawan!?" he asked. I got up. "She's not my Padawan!" I said. "And I'm not going to give you anything!" The Eighth Brother shrugged. Purge Troopers with Electrostaffs surrounded us. "Such a shame... give me the Holocron now and I promise your deaths will be without pain!" he said. I deactivated my Lightsabers. The Eighth Brother came towards me, but before they got close enough, Kara's ship came out of nowhere. Lena leaped aboard. "STOP HIM!" yelled The Eighth Brother. The Purge troopers were too late, and I leaped aboard the ship. "Kara, lets get out of here!" I yelled running for a gunner seat. I pulled off my helmet and yelled back to Kara "Kid, you know how to shoot!?" I yelled back as TIE Fighters quickly began to close in. I started shooting back as the Coruscant traffic looked on. The lanes had been closed. "Czar, TIEs closing!" Kara called. "Get us into orbit!" I said. As good a pilot as I was, I knew that Kara was best suited for this. "Can't you just use the force to make them crash or something!?" Lena yelled back. I didn't answer. When we eventually reached orbit, I started shooting back. The citizens on Coruscant were innocents, and I was not going to kill them! The TIE fighters kept shooting, and I finally yelled back to Kara. "Can we jump!?" I asked. Lena and I were both shooting, but there were too many fighters. I was regretting the choice of coming back here. "Where are we even going!?" she yelled back over the now activated Intercomm. I didn't think things through. "The Moon of Raaeda!" I yelled back. With a course finally laid in, the ship jumped. I got up out of the gunner seat, and walked back to the common room. I had questions to answer.Lena and Kara were both waiting, I summoned my backpack to me with the force, and took out my holocron. Lena and Kara were both about to ask questions, but I held up my hand, warding them for a few moments. I sat down, and meditated, the holocron on the floor infront of me. As I meditated, the holocron opened. I was surprised to hear my Master's voice, recording an entry no doubt. I listened, as did the other two. "After conducting research sanctioned by the Jedi Council, I am more certain than before the Force is part of the physical plain. I am recording my findings that I finally believe that there if a world, where someone can influence time itself! A lifetime of research on this world, this plain of existence, is stored in the holocron. To condense it down to a number of small sentences is not easy, but I shall try my best. I believe that what we seek is a world between worlds, or a dimension between ours, and whatever many beings may believe follows after death. Through this dimension, one can tap into the unlimited power of the force, to bring people back to life, even after their souls have passed on into the force. Evidence I have found for this is little, but the pieces are lining up..." it said, and the message in the holocron ended. I closed it, and ended the meditation. Lena and Kara both looked at me. "What does it mean?" asked Lena. I shrugged. "I never shared my Master's interest in the research he did. Although he could put the pieces together very logically and it led him to a conclusion, I do know he never finished his study and research..." I answered. Kara thought this but not before Lena's next question. "Were you ever going to tell me you were the Jedi I was looking for?" I shrugged. "Not sure, it all depended on if you could open the Holocron, and you did. You're strong with the force, and I know that you want me to teach you" I explained. Lena nodded. "So will you?" she asked. I thought it over. "I need to think about it first" I answered. Lena looked at me. "Can I speak to my friend alone, and please don't listen from outside, I'll know" I said. Nodding, Lena stood and walked out, and as soon as I was confident she wouldn't able to hear us, I summoned the Holocron she had opened. It hadn't closed as it normally would, but I wasn't shocked, we'd been in a hurry. "She opened it Czar, she passed the test... you can train her and you know it" Kara started. I nodded looking down at the holocron. "True, she opened it, but even if I could train her, even if I was up to it, The Inquisitors already know her face..." I answered. Kara shrugged. "All the more reason to do so! I remember Christophsis and how you hid yourself from me. My family were always sympathetic to your order, why do you think your master asked me to get you both off world?" she asked. I sighed. "Becoming a Jedi isn't just something you learn the basics about overnight. That aside, we need to hide this Holocron, then we disappear." I explained. Even though my voice sounded it, I wasn't annoyed, just tired. "Then train her after we disappear, whats stopping you then?" she asked. I thought this over. As much as I didn't want to, I did need to uncover more of my Master's journey. I knew some places he had gone to; we'd had enough discussions that part of the map was etched into my brain. "People, spies, who knows. The bounties on Jedi or Force users in general are very high, it only takes one glance, and I might not even be able to sense it!" I answered. Kara finally considered this a lot longer. "What other choices does she have? Ask an Inquisitor for training?" I sighed. "She has holocrons and books, and she's strong enough to open them and access the knowledge. There are people, children, who know nothing about the force. They don't have what she has. You're also forgetting the fact that I never finished my training" I said. Kara sighed. "At least think it over like you said you would?" she asked. I nodded my affirmative. "Whats on Raaeda?" she asked me next. This was something that I had been expecting. "A rumoured engagement involving a Jedi that was possibly leading a Rebel Cell" I answered. "I never heard anything of weight, and I won't find anything about my master's findings there, it's a backwater. I just want to know a bit more about what happened" I explained. Kara accepted this quickly, and I went to my cabin and sat down.I didn't know how long I had been sat in my cabin, or even thinking about the past. Order 66 had been a massive event throughout the galaxy. Kara had taken me from Christophsis, and after, I had hidden who I was. During the two years travelling I had tried discreetly to learn more about the Jedi who had died, among other things. Raxxaann had been a stop on a long journey. After arriving, my primary motivation for agreeing to work as a rigger in the Graveyard was to uncover more about the planet. I knew that the Clone Wars had made it to the planet due to the Shipyards. I'd stuck to the final orders of Master Kenobi, I avoided detection until I had no other choice. Even before showing myself as a Jedi to the Empire, and workers, I had travelled with Kara, to what she thought were random worlds. In reality, I had been chasing rumours. Rumours that I couldn't verify from afar. The rumours I had been chasing involved ISB secretly trying to lure out political figures on worlds like the stormy world I had briefly called home. I knew that the Empire were trying to be quiet, but the rumours had taken place too close to the planet. I could think of a few friends to the Jedi Order who would be on that list. I hadn't started looking with the intentions to save them. I was more than certain they had their own resources. Some more public figures, like Cham Syndulla, were more than happy to operate openly. I had never met the Twi'lek, but I knew he was one of many rebel cell leaders in the Outer Rim. Learning about him was easier than any of the others I had been looking into. As I sat there, I wondered if Lena had been looking for me because of some sort of Rebel cell. It made sense. I decided I would ask Lena about it. If she was part of a cell, it was more well organised than others, which did surprise me. The rumoured cells I had been looking into had the people, some weapons, possibly even networks, but they rarely had influence off the world they were fighting for. I knew that Lena's group was short on people overall, but they were also one of the largest I could possibly pick up any information on. The closest thing to a rebel group on Raxxaann when I arrived was the smuggling group Godar led. It wasn't big, but it was discreet and had a group of people that had no love for the Empire. I tried to think more on what I could be dealing with. Kara most likely had her suspicions about Lena belonging to a rebel group, and I could sense her hesitation, but also admiration. Logically, I knew I could not be the only Jedi survivor. I wondered if the person in command of Lena was a jedi, or someone familiar with us. There were some very well-connected figures that were not overly fond of the Empire's new order. I doubted the person controlling Lena and the other 'Agents' was anyone like a Senator, at least not directly. Some were friendly with the Order. Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Padme Amidala. I knew at least one of them was dead. It had been publicly announced that Amidala had died suddenly. Mothma cared for democracy, and for the Jedi as long as they were useful to her for achieving democracy. As noble as he was, Organa had to worry about Alderaan. The planet was already suspected of taking in Jedi and hiding them. I knew about Raaeda because the people had been accepted as refugees on the planet. Whatever had happened, when this had been made clear, The Empire had determined that for now, they were to be left alone at least. I needed to know more about what had happened. After revealing myself, I had considered reaching out to Sato any anyone who would help. It was possible, if there was a Jedi, or someone who knew how to keep things secret until the time was right, Sato would want to help people get there, maybe even gather some the old soldiers he had led with my Master in the Clone Wars to join us as well. One of the reasons I hadn't was because Sato's brother now had a son. I'd seen a holoimage of him, he was a cute kid. I thought over just how many people had lost loved ones since the Empire had come into power. I didn't want anyone to go through that pain. Deciding I needed to stand up, I went to the cockpit and joined Kara. "You ok? You were in there for a while" she said as I sat down. I shrugged. "Lots to think about" I said simply. Kara nodded and we jumped out of Hyperspace a distance away from the orbit of Raaeda. "What are you even hoping to find down there?" she asked. I sighed. "Information mostly, but like I said earlier, its nothing to do with Orion's Holocron" I answered. "Speaking of that, I thought you said it needed a special code?" she asked. I shrugged. "I never truly understood his whole thought process, but I know he takes everything seriously, if he says there's a code involved, which I do have; it won't be obvious when to use it!" I explained. Kara shrugged, accepting this. I looked down at the moon below, and wondered what I would find. "Are you going to let her go down with there with you?" Kara asked, and I knew she meant Lena. I considered it. "Probably not, if the Inquisitors have a way of following us here, or there's something else, I can't protect her like last time. We barely got out alive" I said. Kara nodded. "True enough, but that was the Jedi Temple... also How are you doing?" she asked. I shrugged. "After going back? it felt strange, but it felt right to try and take even a little bit out of there..." I said. Kara decided not to push the issue. "Any particular reason you feel that Lena should go down with me?" I asked. Kara shook her head. "Other than answering what questions of hers you can? No, but this whole thing is your crusade, which makes you the one leading us for this one" she said. I sighed, and found myself wondering if I could teach Lena anything... I decided We'd talk later. "I'll go down alone, when I get back, I promise I'll talk to her" I said. Kara nodded, and toom us in to a place to land.

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