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"He prefers applesauce over literally anything else and I have a few applesauce cups in his bag just so you don't have to go to the store to get some for him. He takes a nap at three in the afternoon. If he's played hard he can sleep until four thirty, otherwise, just until four. He loves going outside but that is optional. He has toys with him that he can play with. He might ask you some questions that are stepping too far and if he does just say that I told you not to answer it or something. Any questions?"

"Yeah, when is he supposed to eat lunch and what does he like?"

"He likes chicken nuggets, especially dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, but as long as it is realatively healthy, he can eat that. Please no instant noodles, it gives him diarrhea and he's not big on spicy things. As for when he eats, just whenever he gets hungry. Typically sometime between eleven thirty and one fifteen, if he isn't hungry by then, then just make him eat some applesauce. He can have no more than three applesauces and he has to ask politely for them."

"Okay, can he watch TV?"

"Yes, but don't let that be all he does. He likes Bubble Guppies, Paw Patrol, and Dora the Explorer if you can even get that on cable anymore."

"Anything else he is not allowed to do?"

"As long as he is being respectful, he should be fine. He knows his limits and if he thinks he can ignore that because someone new is taking care of him, then just call me and I will talk to him. I try my hardest to make sure he is super respectful so you most likely won't have a problem."

"So are there any political or religion related topics that I'm not allowed to talk about?"

"Nope. I am open with him about a lot of things. He understands gender and sexuality is fluid and not as easy as it may seem. We don't really have a specific religion so just about anything you want to really. As long as it is appropriate for a five year old."

"Okay, I think I got it."

"Great, just call me if you need me," Hoseok says as he looks down at his watch. "I should leave now, Youngsoo, can I get a hug?"

Hoseok crouches down as Youngsoo runs up to hug his father.

"Be good for Yoongi, okay? If you're really good for him, I might take you out for ice cream, okay?"

"Okay, Dad! Is Yoongi your boyfriend, Dad?"

"No, buddy. Don't ask Yoongi-hyung too many questions, okay."

"Okay! I love you Dad!" Youngsoo says, hugging his father again.

"I love you, too Young-ie. I'll see you two later." Hoseok says as he opens the door and walks through it. With a goodbye from both parties, he makes his way to work with a huge smile on his face.

- - -

A/N: I start work tomorrow... I'm not excited. I'm nervous off my ass. Also, I'm developing a major case of senioritis. But it's fine.

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