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"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Yoongi yells, opening the door to his parent's house and setting his bag down.

Youngsoo is the next one to walk in as Yoongi's parents are coming down the stairs, Hoseok right after his son, setting their bags down and closing the door.

"You brought guests! Introduce me, Yoongi." A woman appearing in her early fifties says as she hugs Yoongi.

"Mom, Dad, this is Hoseok and his son, Youngsoo." Yoongi says, pointing to the two respectively.

"Hi! I'm five years old! Dad and Yoongi-hyung are getting married. Do you want to come to the wedding?" Youngsoo asks, turning his head to the side.

Yoongi and Hoseok share a knowing look but choose to ignore the problem on hand, hoping Yoongi's parents will just think it's a five year old being a five year old.

"Well hello there! It's so nice to finally see Yoongi bring someone home. How long you two been together?" Yoongi's father asks, shaking hands with Hoseok.

"Um, we're not together." Hoseok clarifies as Yoongi clears his throat.

"Mom, Dad, Hoseok is just a friend. We started hanging out together after I started babysitting Youngsoo here."

"Ah, I see. Will you be spending the night?"

"Yes ma'am, but we were going to get a hotel room. Wouldn't want to impose on your family." Hoseok says, picking up Youngsoo.

"Oh, not at all! We have plenty of room and food, you are more than welcome to stay here." Yoongi's father says, patting Hoseok on the back as they all walk to the living room.

"You all stay here and get acquainted while I go get the guest room ready." Yoongi's mother says, leaving the room and going up the stairs.

"Dad, I'm hungry." Youngsoo says, patting his belly. After all, it was lunch time.

"What do you want to eat, buddy?" Yoongi's father asks, turning around to go into the kitchen as Hoseok lets Youngsoo down to follow the man.

"Do you think they like me?" Hoseok asks once everyone is out of earshot from Yoongi and him.

"They would not be feeding your son if they didn't like you. I think they are intrigued by the fact that you are a single father raising a child and you still manage to keep a steady job and appear put together." Yoongi says, pulling a nervous Hoseok in for a hug.

"You really think so?"

"I've known these people my entire life and by their reaction I can tell they're already in love with you." Yoongi says, pulling away from the big teddy bear to push him in the direction of the kitchen, allowing his hand the perfect real estate on Hoseok's butt.

Hoseok jumps, grabs his butt and says, "Hey, what was that for?"

"That was for worrying. If I didn't think they would like you, I wouldn't have brought you. Now go eat, my dad makes a delicious sandwich." Yoongi says, yet again pushing the younger towards the kitchen.

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A/N: This one is a little short but it didn't come out as intended. Remember how I was supposed to do a review for some eighth graders, yeah they all laughed at me but it's fine. Also, I wrote a whole essay about how periods were overrated and I got a 5/6 on it. I'm so proud of myself, like I was not expecting that good of a grade but holy moly I pulled it off. Anyways, how's your week been?

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