Chapter 7: Cloud Part 2

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*Third Person POV*

"I don't understand."

"What?" The white haired boy said, looking over to his new friend, "What do you mean by that?"

"Why do we do all this?" The boy asked, looking at the clouds in the sky, "You know, collecting lux, competing with the other factions, all that. Seems kinda pointless."

"Well, mind expanding on that one?"

"Wouldn't be faster and easier if we all just worked together," His friend replied, kicking his feet out in front of him, "That way we could all collect lux while working together, and the faction leaders could just lead all of us at the same time."

"Maybe," The white haired boy replied, looking at the same clouds his friend was, "But the Master of Masters designed it this way for a reason. Probably in order to get us to work harder through competition."

"I guess so."

"Come on, Skuld should have the ice cream by now."

The white haired boy stood up, beginning to walk away. Looking back over his shoulder, he noticed that this friend wasn't following him.

"You coming, Y/n?" He called, "You're not going to find your memories by just sitting around and staring at the clouds."

"I'm coming, Ephemer, just... give me a second."


Heartless Y/n's claw struck against Cloud's sword over and over, sparks flying as he rapidly swiped at his opponent. Heartless Y/n left no opening for Cloud to even get an attack in edgewise, as his moves seemed to come within mere seconds of each other.

Cloud noticed an opening in Heartless Y/n's attacks, managing to drop down and swipe his legs out form under him. Cloud stood back up and raised his sword high, slashing it down in an arc.

Heartless Y/n quickly rolled out of the way, pushing himself back up to a standing position. Avoiding a horizontal slice from Cloud's massive blade, he leapt backwards and crouched.

"You're putting up a pretty good challenge," Heartless Y/n said, cracking his neck, "Let's kick it up a notch."

He held his hand out, and his keyblade appeared. Catching it, the handle was bright red before he even had his hand on the weapon. He ran at Cloud, who raised his sword to defend himself. Heartless Y/n threw his keyblade at him, ricocheting of his sword and into the air. Heartless Y/n jumped into the air and caught the keyblade, coming down behind Cloud and slashing at his back.

Cloud dodged away from the attack, still receiving a massive cut on his back. Leaning on his sword for support, he began to heave with heavy breathes.

Cloud raised his sword up and began to charge at Heartless Y/n, using Sonic Blade. Heartless Y/n noticed as Cloud was charging at him and crouched down, as Cloud got closer and closer.

As Cloud got within five feet, Heartless Y/n leapt into the air. Doing a flip in the air, he stabbed his claws into Cloud's shoulder and landed back on his feet, throwing him into the wall.

A horn was blown, signifying the end of the match. Heartless Y/n backed away from Cloud's unconscious form, returning to the entrance of the arena.

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