Chapter 36: Strelitzia

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*Y/n POV*

"That boy," The blonde girl, Strelitzia, said, "He is from the Unicornis union, is he not?"

"Yes," I replied, watching her walk towards me, "He's been learning about the Flow Motion fighting system during my classes recently. Not a skilled student, but it's clear he's trying."

"Still," She said, her eyes examining me, "Even though he is not a member of your union, you saw it right to help him?"

"Of course. This whole 'war between the unions' business is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Any wielder worth their keyblade would've helped him."

She leaned in closer, examining me. I would've called it out as a weird behavior if I hadn't been doing the same thing to her. She had long strawberry blonde hair that was done in long twin tails behind her, her teal-blue eyes were both incredibly cute and portrayed kindness perfectly, and a white dress that went down all the way to her knees.

"Well okay then!" She said, a sweet, cheery tone carrying through the air, "It's been a pleasure, but I need to go."

"Ooookay," I said, "Um, if you ever see me around, feel free to say hi."

She giggled into her hand, "Of course. Have a nice day, Y/n."

I watched her walk off, a strange feeling in my chest. Something about her made me feel at ease, like the whole world was going to be okay.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice called, "What're you staring at? And why're you still in your pajamas?"

"Oh Skuld," I greeted, turning to meet my friend, "Nothing much really, there was just some guys making a lot of noise and waking me up."

"Sure," She sighed, "Come on, go get dressed! We're all waiting in the square for you!"

"Alright, alright! I'll be back out in a minute!"


*N/n POV*

I dropped to my knees, as a new memory from Y/n washed over me in a wave of pain and suffering.

These were only becoming more and more frequent as I got closer and closer to where I knew Heartless would be hiding. It was Y/n.

He's ready to come home.

"Not much longer," I urged myself forward, my boots stomping on the rocky ground, "I'll be home soon, Roxas."

As I willed myself forward, the light of my keyblade my only way to see in the pitch blackness, I focused on my own memories. My time in the Organization, my friends, Roxas, Axel, Xion, hell I even found myself missing Marluxia's bull crap.

"I wonder... how Sora is handling everything?"

*Third Person POV*

Sora cut through one nightmare after another, the constant stream of enemies from the Country of Musketeers beginning to wear her down. Luckily, her own Dream Eaters were there to help her continue the fight, as well as the memories of Y/n's smile that urged her towards her goal.

Riku as in a similar situation, though handling it much easier than Sora. Her natural talents with a blade and her temperament towards fighting gave her an edge over her enemies, as she fought through Traverse Town for the second time. It seemed to only be getting easier for her, and as the enemies began to slow, she found her thoughts drifting to the same young man as Sora.

While she had never been as vocal as Sora or as obvious with her love for the beach-loving ukulele player, her feelings had been just as strong. Every time she thought about his face or about seeing him safe again, she felt a bit of her strength returning to her.

"Don't worry Y/n," She said to nobody, looking up to the stars in the sky, "I'll find you. And we won't ever be apart again."

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