Chapter 2

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Teething. Hurts.

It hurts so badly.

I always get the urge to chew on everything. And I do mean everything. On some days that I feel like being nice, I gnawed on some small squeaky toys that Viktor got for me or some kind of cold cloth. On days that I feel like being an asshole, I often switched from Eins' notebooks, to the maids' sleeves, or to Viktor's hair. But mostly Viktor's hair because it's so shiny and soft. I also took up raising hell to the entire palace as a hobby and it usually takes about an hour to goad me to go back to sleep.

So yeah, I'm a noisy baby.

Five months into this whole reincarnation business and I'm already regretting it. The only thing babies do is sleep. Or eat. Or taking a dump. I can still remember Eins' expression when I chose a convenient time to pee on his royal shirt. He was reluctant to even touch me for the whole week after that. 

It was the only amusing thing that happened for quite a while. Otherwise, everything remained pretty boring, I can't stay awake for half of the time, and my new parents are barely around because of their royal business.

Currently, I'm practicing stretching on Eins' table while he's completing his homework. Only four-and-a-half and he's already well on his way to memorizing the multiplication table.

Ha, I'm a baby and I can do the quadratic formula. Beat that.

"Stop shaking the table, Edward." Eins scolded as he tried to pry the pen out of my mouth. I chewed on his hand instead.

Eins made an expression that is something between disgusted and startled, "Let go of me!"

'His hand is so cool', I thought absently as the cold numb my aching gums. 'I should do this more often.'

"Honestly, you are such a handful!" Eins puffed up as he leaves to wash his hands. I regret the loss of the cool touch to my gums for a split second before trying to catch up to him, determined to stuff his hand in my mouth again. However, I ended up rolling off the table and onto the thankfully cushioned chair that Eins sat. It didn't hurt, per se, but ow.

Like what most babies would do, I let the whole world knows my pain by screaming their heads off.

Eins made a face as if lamenting to the universe 'what have I done to deserve this?' before picking me up and trying to calm me down again.


At eight months old, I picked up crawling on a cold winter night, but no one in the palace knew I'm capable of that yet.

I often practice in times where no one was around (which was pretty rare in itself). It would be a pain if everyone started to think that I'm some sort of prodigy like Eins. I'm not, and sure as hell never will be. The only thing I'm confident that I'll beat Eins in is the ability to piss someone off.

Viktor was worried since I don't seem to be picking things up as fast as children my age does, but then again his only reference should be Eins. And everyone can agree that he is the sole exception.


It was three in the morning and Weisberg palace was in chaos. Someone passed by the second prince's crib and he was nowhere to be found. The message made its way to the King, who promptly ordered the guards to get the whole place turned upside down to search for little old (young?) me.

The Queen wasn't in the palace at the moment. The Queen Mother fainted as she heard the news (whoops, that wasn't what I intended to happen) so Eins was by her bedside.

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