Chapter 5

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Fast forward to four years after Kai was born, and things are still dreadfully dull

Sure, being a six years old prince means that people are expecting more from me, but Eins has already taken a lot of that burden away by being the ten years old genius he is. Ernst Rosenberg also somehow came into the picture before I knew what was going on and boy was that not a surprise. He was nothing like his future self in the manga and exactly as the author had portrayed in the recent (past?) chapters.

In short, Ernst was an absolute asshole, even to us princes. 

The jerk always tried to compete against Eins and demanding his attention like a starved dog. He'd also make snide comments to me, a prince of royal blood, and somehow still get away with it. It was maddening. How could Eins even stand the thought of being near this one-track-minded fool is beyond my comprehension.

Anyway, enough of the boring topic.

Kai's birth was luckily not as rowdy as mine was. the Queen just happens to be at the nurse's office when going into labor. Sadly, however, Viktor wasn't around to see it because of this mysterious conflict that was going on. And as another blow to his already fractured pride, Kai's first words weren't his name, nor anyone else in the palace, for that matter.

"Kai, dear. Say 'grandma' for me, please." The Queen Mother smiled as she holds onto her third grandson. Eins was also present along with the Queen, who was pregnant with Bruno and will be expecting him any day now. Maybe I should tell them to curb the bedroom activities a little after Licht is born.

"Noooooo!!" Viktor wailed desperately. "Please, Kai! Say Papa! I promise I'll give you a huge plushie if you do."

"He can't understand you." Eins deadpanned.

My eyes lit up and an evil grin etched on my face, "Hey, Kai-chan, say shi—"

Eins whacked me on the head before I could finish. The jerk. "We don't need another foul-mouthed brat in this family."

"Asshole." That earned me another swat.

The Queen chimed in, "Don't listen to him, Kai. Say 'Mama' first."

"No! Say Papa, dear!"

Little baby Kai stared at the ceiling for a moment, before mumbling something incoherent. All the activities in the palace stopped for a moment. No one dared to take a breath out of place since they don't want to miss their third prince's first word.

"...funi funi..." Kai mumbled, before falling asleep.

"Pfft..." I couldn't hold back my laughter because that is such a Kai thing to do. That and Viktor's devastated expression was hilarious as shit.

Ah. What an amazing experience.

The good news is that the whatever conflict has officially ended a while ago, so Viktor is almost always home nowadays to play around with two years old Kai and I. 

The bad news, however, is...

"NOOOOO!!" I flailed around in the Queen Mother's arms. "I WANNA GO WITH EINS!!"

Being a ten years old Crown Prince came with a Iot of responsibility, and one of which is—obviously—to become a proper king candidate. And to become a proper king candidate, one must be familiar with how the country is run. And there is nothing better than hands-on experience.

Eins, and for some incomprehensible reason, Ernst is going to the capital of Wienner to continue their research on the commoners' life with their royal tutor. I wasn't allowed to go with them on account of 'this-is-not-a-nursery'.

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