Chapter 3

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My second ever word was 'no'.

Viktor bawled his eyes out.

Eins, who have been pulled aside a few days earlier to explain that 'fuck' is a bad word and he should never repeat it, frowned.

The Queen Mother was torn between finding the whole thing hilarious and lamenting over where had the royal family gone wrong in raising me.

After 'learning' how to speak two words, every time someone tried to talk to me, my response would be exactly the same:

"Your Highness, would you like some beef congee?"

"Fuck no."

"Your Highness, the milk is spilling!!"

"Fuck no."

"Your Highness, would you like some mashed potatoes?"

"Fuck yes."

The servants gasped dramatically, "His Highness learned another word!! This is great!"

I giggled. Each time I say the f-word, Viktor seems to be aging another year. Eins tried to scold me multiple times for saying 'a forbidden word used by the lowest of the low commoners', but I utilized my baby privileges effectively so that he wouldn't bother me anymore.

That is, pretending to be an innocent angel who doesn't understand what he is spewing out of his mouth.

Works like a charm every single time.

Just like that, another month passed by, and I have been in this world for a total of one year. In this time, I showed an exceptional burst of growth by learning to communicate with the adults using basic sentence structure and no longer need to rely on the f-word (aww). There was a great deal of confusion since no one thought that the 'stunted-growth prince' can transform into the 'maybe-prodigy prince' in such a short amount of time.

Scholars and nobles alike rendezvous at the palace to discuss the reason for this change. Viktor also joined the fray out of curiosity. There were quite a few interesting theories flown about, but my favorite has to be this:

"Maybe cussing fundamentally altered his brain function which resulted in significant changes made to the cerebrum? If that's the case then may I suggest that we encourage the youths to cuss as much as possible in order to—"

"Request denied."

Viktor swiftly cut in as the scientist looked down, clearly dejected. I let out a loud bark of laughter at the absurd but interesting theory. If only that really were the case.

To their dismay, my progress was promptly halted, and I was back to being a normal royal one-year-old baby. Viktor seems to be happier with the change, though. I'd finally deemed the pitiable man worthy and called him 'Papa'. He shed tears of blood (or joy) as if someone just told him he'll have another baby coming.

Speaking of which...

My first birthday ever in this world was fun. Everyone had a blast. I have a literal mountain of gifts laying in my room.

I like a lot of them, but none is as eccentric and dare I say it, stupid, as Eins'.

I know that very, very, very deep down, Eins is a good brother to everyone in the story. He may not be around a lot or showing his love openly, or being close to their age and he has the face of an old man and his High Steward slash childhood best friend has attempted multiple rounds of BS on his brothers and—

Maybe I'd better stop there.

Anyway, I think Eins is a good person, but sometimes he just doesn't know how to show it properly.

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