Chapter 7

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"Happy Seventh Birthday, Edward!!"

At exactly midnight, the entire royal family except my little brothers burst into my room and screamed. Eins the cat, being the little bastard he is, decided to retreat back to a corner beforehand to avoid all the commotions. Irritation rose from being disrupted during my beauty sleep, I groggily sat up from the gigantic royal bed, "Can't it wait until tomorrow?"

"But Edward!" Viktor excitedly gushed like a schoolgirl, "Today is your seventh birthday! Aren't you excited about that?!"

'Uhh...technically I'm twenty-four now,' I mentally deadpanned, but outwardly I smiled, "Yes, Father. I would've been excited for this had you not decided to wake me up at twelve in the goddamn morning."

Yes, that was harsh. Yes, that was very disrespectful. And yes, that was a chance to be disrespectful to a king that rarely anyone gets, so I'll take it.

"Language, Edward. And don't be so disrespectful to Father." Eins scolded. He meant it this time.

"Fine," I pouted, "Sorry, papa."

"You are so adorable! Papa will forgive you!!" Viktor burst into tears at the sight of my adorable self pouting. The Queen Mother held him back before he could crush the life out of me with his monstrous hug.

"Edward, dear," she started, "Is there anything you would like for your birthday?"

I instantly replied, "Can I have more freedom to go anywhere—"

"Denied." The Queen firmly spoke up before I could get anywhere. No matter which world it is, mothers are always scary to deal with.

"Aww..." Despite my verbal disappointment, there was a large grin on my face. I always asked for the same thing on my birthday, and it was always met with denial. "So I'm guessing that it'll be another giant party like every other year, eh?"

"Precisely," Viktor nodded enthusiastically, "It's your birthday, after all! I've already started the preparation for a large ball to be held in the evening with hundreds of guests from Granzreich and other kingdoms alike for the first time since the conflict!"

Before I can seize on the chance to ask what the conflict was, Viktor continued, "Granted, you will be put in the spotlight since this is pretty much your first ever birthday party that involves the people from other nations. We usually tried to stick close to local Granzreich nobles, but this year we got quite the number of royalties from the other Kingdoms coming, so please be on your best behavior!"

"So no swearing," Eins added.

"Depends. So who exactly is coming?"

"Let's see here," the Queen hummed, "we have the royal family of Fonseine and their retainers, five noble families from Fonseine, the first cousin from the Kingdom of Nederland along with his wife, the royals of Belgian, and the Queen of Contrera will also be attending. You'll like her. She used to be my best friend," she looked a little sad at the mention of this lady, "but for a variety of reasons, we went on our own way. And who else..."

"Don't forget the royal family of Fiona and their second princess," Viktor smiled secretly, "I'm not too sure of the Romano royal family will be coming or not, but we'll see."

"Ah, yes." The Queen chuckled, "The royal family of Fiona. How could I forget?"

Though I recognized the Romano royal family from the movie and Nederland, I asked, "Who are they? Another friend of yours?"

"Not exactly. You'll know by the end of the night, Edward," she mused. "There will be one hundred and thirty-four nobles from Granzreich who will be attending tonight along with their retainers. About half of them will be from the lower percentile of the nobility who'd never caught a glimpse of you before, so this will be your official introduction to the people."

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