Chapter 13

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'funi funi'

'My lord,' Heine viciously fought the urge to facepalm as he watches Leonhard scurrying away, suspiciously not walking in the direction of either the storage where the royal family keeps their swords or the training field. 'What kind of clue is this supposed to be? Somewhere soft? Something soft?  Could this be a code of some kind?'

The clue was probably something soft, but searching the entire palace with that kind of vague clue can be tiring. 

'I suppose I should start with the garden,' Heine planned ahead the possible locations where Prince Kai could be at, feet already moving out of the hallway, 'The eastern yard is the closest; I'll check there first. Next will be the palace's yard, and then the fountain close by. I should also ask someone for the location of Herr Shadow, just in case. And then I should visit his Highness's room, and then the beddings storage.'

However, Heine truly underestimated Weisburg palace; it was huge unlike what he had remembered prior, and his in-depth studying of the palace map provided to him through his majesty the king. It was also the middle of the day where everyone is working, so Heine nearby bumped into all sorts of people who had never heard of him being the new royal tutor before. Introducing himself to them and making small talks—the last thing he wanted was to have noble class enemies within the royal palace where he'll be living from now on—to not offend them took up a lot of his time. Before Heine knew it, two long hours had passed with no signs of prince Kai.

"If you are looking for his Highness prince Kai," the palace's pastry chef, who had been kind enough to whip up some choux cream for Heine, added helpfully, "you should check out his Highness prince Edward's room. He had moved out of the palace a long time ago, but we still keep his room the same since he often comes back and visits—and he always brings along a lot of tasty treats, too. Prince Edward left his three pet fishes for prince Kai to take care of so you might find prince Kai there."

"Thank you for your assistance," Heine finishes off the rest of the pastry and thanked the chef, who laughed in acceptance. Though fishes don't fall into the category of 'fluffiness', he should check it out nonetheless.

And he was not disappointed.

The second prince's room was different from his brothers; the doors were painted dark silver, a surprising choice for someone who looks like he could be made of light. Heine was hesitant to come in uninvited and on baseless suspicions; Prince Edward was not one of his pupils, and frankly, the man put Heine on edge a little. But when he saw the sign on the door, all of his prior hesitations went poof.

'The nerve of some people!' Heine huffed and puffed, but sadly it did nothing to bring down the sign that said, 'Children under 150 cm or 16 years old aren't allowed inside'. The adhesive was brand new when Heine peeled the sign off because it didn't peel the paint on the door along with the adhesive, 'he must have stick it on sometimes this morning—now I know that Prince Edward is involved, these four wouldn't have used his room if that weren't the case.'

And he can come in since he's not shorter than 150 cm, though how his highness knew that is worrying in of its own.

As expected of a member of the royal family; even his room is three times bigger than Heine's old one. The bed was well-made, and there was a photo of the prince on the wall during his time in the military academy, and one with his staffs. Since he doesn't live inside the palace, there isn't a lot of personal items in his room; the only other notable furniture is the large fish tank with three large koi fishes by the window with many other decorations inside. Heine even felt a little jealous; his living quarters aren't as good as these royal fishes.

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