Chapter 11

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Bruno opened the door and did a ninety-degree bow.

"Excuse me, Master!!"

Heine muttered, "Well, I guessed you'd be the first one in here." And then he turned to me with an uncomfortable look.

I raised an eyebrow, indicating a silent question before understanding dawned upon me. Of course Heine would be uncomfortable with Bruno calling someone who is not part of the royal family (or any family, really) 'master'.

"Hello, Bruno!" I waved excitedly, "Do you mind introducing us?"

Ignoring Heine's incredulous look of 'we just did our introduction a few minutes ago', I grinned up at my younger brother who I had not seen in quite a while, prompting him to start speaking.

"Of course, Edward! This magnificent being here—"

"Excuse me, Prince Bruno—"

"—is my great Master who possesses such intelligence that will make even the most brilliant of scholars wept! May I introduce you to Professor Heine Wittgenstein, our greatest Royal Tutor!"

"I see," I put on my best smile and introduced myself again, "I am the second Prince of Granzreich, Edward. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

Heine raised an eyebrow at my informal introduction compared to the almost-threat from earlier. "Likewise, your Highness. Prince Bruno, would you mind not calling me 'Master', especially in front of your siblings? It is quite embarrassing..." He trailed off unsurely, glancing in my direction.

"P-Please forgive me! Then how about 'herr'?" Bruno pushes his glasses up.

Heine nodded, "Very well."

I snickered as I heard Kai and Licht's footsteps coming toward us. Sure enough, they walked into the room right after with their own personalities shining through.

"...teacher...I've come..."

"Hey there, sensei—! Ehh?! Why is Edward here too?!"

Heine turned to look at them, "Good afternoon, your Highnesses."

Before I could retort to Licht's comment, Bruno stepped in, "You two!! Mas—I mean, why are you showing such disrespect to Herr Heine!!"

Licht waved it off, "It's fine! You are just stiff, Brunie!"

"Master—No, show some respect to Herr Heine! Master...Heine hasn't done anything wrong!"

I deadpanned between my laughters, "You aren't even trying to cover it up anymore!"

Licht pulled Heine to his side and winked, "It's not a problem! Sensei and I are the closest of friends, right?!"

"Wha—?!" Bruno flinched back, and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "You! When did you—It's so rude, but even my jealousy is jealous! I'm so JEALOUS!!"

"Please calm down," Heine deadpanned as he removes Licht's arm from his shoulder in resignation, "I'll leave what speech you use with me up to your Highness since your status is far above that of mine. On an individual level, rank doesn't matter since as teacher and student, because I'd like to build trust between us," the tiny professor stared at Licht's grinning face and continued, "But I think I'm already feeling distant."

"Wait, sensei! Aren't you just trying to be cold to me?!" Licht wailed.

"It's your own fault!" Bruno sighed. I had a feeling that he did that often enough to become a habit, "Goodness, you are so shameless."

Licht rolled his eyes, "It's fine."

"Your insolence has gone too far this time! Every day you just wander around to who-knows-where and bringing back girls from all over the place!"

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