Chapter 9

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"Huh?" Viktor wondered in confusion, "When did you learn Yapanese?"

That raven-haired girl—no, Princess Angela Louise de Fiona from the Kingdom of Fiona will be my future wife?!

"What the fuck?!" I spluttered, "I'm seven. How-How—?!"

"It's not immediate, of course," he assured, "We planned to have you two get married when you are eighteen—depending on the situation. There are a lot of things that we can gain benefit from this deal so I don't see why not. Of course, if you don't want to marry Princess Angela, then I'd be more than happy to cancel—"

"She's not bad," I cut in, "I'm just...a little confused. Bewildered. This arrangement just came out of nowhere—Did Lolan Belle gave you some ideas?!" 

That bitch. Even after she left she's still causing me trouble.

As if sensing my line of thoughts, Viktor frowned, "No. This has been at work for a while now. I was going to have Eins be married to Princess Angela, but after talking to King Fiona, we both came to the conclusion that you two are a better fit since you both are the same age."

"What's her family like?"

Viktor nodded approvingly, "Her father ascended the throne at twenty-four and married the first queen, who gave birth to Princess Angela and her sister. After the queen died, the King remarried and they gave birth to the Crown Prince, who is currently two years old. Their economy is average, but the strength of Fiona's military is superb."

"Sounds like a messy family," I commented.

"That's about right. The King also took in a consort just recently, so it must've been hard for Princess Angela."

I know that this is something I will have to deal with soon, but this still feels a little too soon. I mean, at least it's a quiet-looking girl who isn't stuck up or annoying, but marriage? I've never even gotten a girlfriend yet.

I didn't even bother with doing normal teenage stuff like dating; most of my time was spent with reading manga and the occasional anime that comes out. I was also a loner in school since my interests don't collide with anyone; it's hard to find someone who's as passionate about manga and anime as I do in the U.S. and my quiet nature also doesn't help. Oliver was pretty much my only friend, and I don't even know any girl.

...oh wait, I think there's one. Back when I was in middle school, there's this girl who sat next to me for a short while. She was sort of nice to me and was the only one who bothers to make a conversation. But she's really friendly to everyone, so that was a given. I thought that I might've liked her, but nah. That's just hormone talking. We stopped talking to each other next year, though I couldn't recall the reason.

Anyway, I suppose I don't mind getting married to Angela.

"Fine. But make it twenty-one instead."

"You want to get married when you are twenty-one?" Viktor asked, "Also, you are taking this better than I expected."

"Yeah. I know that this kinda stuff is going to happen eventually so I'm prepared. If that's all?"

The ballroom is completely cleared of guests, and the only one still in it are us and the servants who are cleaning up the messes. It was quite late into the night already. 

Eins the cat waited patiently at my feet as I scooped him up.

"That's all. You can go to bed now, Edward."

"If you'll excuse me, then." I bowed respectfully and turned to leave.

This is the shittiest birthday ever.


One random morning, Finn kneeled down in the middle of the rose garden while holding onto a black box with a gold ring in it.

"W-Will you please be-be my—husband—I MEAN, be my boyfr—no, err..."

He was sweating bullet, but finally bit his cheek and spit out what needs to be said, "Please marry me, Lena!!"

I smiled angelically, "Yes, I'm more than willing to marry you as our concubine."

Finn jumped three feet into the air and broke into a nervous sweat, "P-P-Prince Edward!! What are you doing here?!"

"Takin' Eins the cat for a walk, why?"

"D-Did you happen to hear...."

"You confessing like an idiot? Yes, I did."

Finn's face twisted into horror, then mortification, then he slumped down onto the earth and wept, "Someone please just dug a hole for me...."

"It's fine! It's the most entertaining thing I've seen for quite a while now." I let out a bark of laughter. "So it's marriage now, right? Think you are up to it?"

"I make enough that I can support us both now, and thanks to your Highness' help, I can stay around the palace for a lot longer." Finn carefully chooses his words, "but I just can't seem to find the right time to confess to Lena."

"You can't find the right time? Is that the problem?" I questioned, grinning gleefully on the side. This is gonna be so fun I can't contain my excitement~!

At Finn's nod, I quickly called a maid over and gave her pouch of coins, "Can you tell Lena Karner to come to the front gate? Tell her that Finn Schneider is waiting for her there and it'd be nice if you can take up whatever it is Lena happens to be doing?"

"B-But your Highness—"

"Of course, your Highness Prince Edward!" The maid's eyes lit up and took the small pouch before dashing off.

"And you," I turned to the guard next to me, "There's your time to propose. Invite her somewhere and man it out. Good luck."


Not letting Finn protest, I quickly left the garden, leaving my personal lab rat—I mean devoted guard there all by himself. Finn eventually grows a pair and went to the front gate, where Lena is already waiting as they took off. They've been dating for four years now, so marriage is inevitable, I suppose. However,...

...I'm not gonna let such juicy gossip materials get away like that.

"Hey, you." I told the random guard who had just waved goodbye at the couple. "Follow them."

Seeing who I was, he stuttered out, "B-But your Highness Prince Edward, you can't leave the palace without your guard!"

I rolled my eyes, "Finn's not the only guard in the royal palace. You can accompany me today. Make it fast."

Honestly. You can't get anything done without some threats these days.


Nothing from me for two weeks and this is the chapter? But hey, at least there is an update XD

A lot of stuff happened to me recently so I doubt updates will be as long and good as the previous few chapters, but I'll try my best. Also, thank you for everyone who voted and commented, I really appreciate it. As promised, here's a picture of Finn Schneider drawn by STMinecraftFanGirl and it's superb as always! And he's quite the handsome fella, isn't he?

 As promised, here's a picture of Finn Schneider drawn by STMinecraftFanGirl and it's superb as always! And he's quite the handsome fella, isn't he?

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