Chapter 39

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Loki's POV

It is been a hundred years, since I saw Hela on front of me, many years ago... I should be dead, my soul went to Helheim, and saw her, I see on her eyes that she didn't expect that I died, but she was happy, and sad at the same time, she would like to take my soul and bring it to her kingdom, she picked the wise choice, she let go to my soul when she had the chance, but she gave it up.

She gave me a second chance to live again, she reincarnated me, but my name will stay the same, and my memories will stay...



"Hey Reindeer Games" Tony said greeting me, "So, how's your kid?" Clint asked, leaning at the table,  I chuckled softly, as I walk closer to them slowly.

I went to Tony and Clint's mind, they are planning to put Hela in a cell, and experimented, but they're both doubting minds

"If you want to give Hela to your councilours, you know you must go through me..." I said to them slowly

"I--" Tony couldn't make an excuse, "Okay, we need to know her so we don't freak out!" Clint said

I chuckled, "then read a book, I heard you mortals are reading our story..." I said 

Nat came in, and picked up something and Sigyn was practicing her magic, "Ja, ich komme jetz ins Hauptquartier.." Nat said, I understood what she said

Sigyn stopped and she smiled "Weißt du, du wirst dein "verstecktes" Ding durchfallen lassen" she said, 

Nat turned around with surprised on her face, "you can speak german?" she asked Sigyn

"I do, and Loki too, there are books on Asgard with different languages, and we ended up learning them" she said explaining

she raised her head slowly, "well, I won't I've done this for years, I'm Fury's great undercover agent" she said confidently with a cold voice

we both nodded and let her be she left..


"Then how are we going to read, when there's no book?" Tony asked, I chuckled again

I raised my hand on my side, and summoned a book, I let go of the book, but it was floating, a green flame covered to the book, and it faded I gave them the book. 

Sigyn looks tired, "you should go to rest, love" I said to her, she sighed

"I can't, I have to submit this tomorrow" she said focusing to the book 

I went closer to her, "I will take care of it" I said and smiled, I twist my hand and the book disappeared 

she frowned and turned around facing me, "what did you do to my book?" she asked crossing her arms

"I put it to a better place, don't worry, you will have it tomorrow in no time..." I said calmly

I stand her up and pushing her gently, leading the way to her room, I opened the door, and I sat her down to her bed.

She sighed again, "But how?" she asked again, tiredly

her eyes widened, and raised her arm and pointing at me, "you're going to do something harmful don't you?" she said, 

I chuckled and I laid her down to the bed, "no I am not, and I wouldn't do that, because my lady doesn't want it..." I said to her, I put the blanket on her gently.

"Then what are you gonna do?" she asked again, worrying 

"I will do something harmless, love and you will feel relieved when you see it" I said

she nodded 

I laid down next  to her, and hugged me tightly, she went closer to me and cuddled with me


We both woke up and Sigyn was not on bed anymore, I went up and left to the room, as I walk to the hallway leading to the living room, I saw Sigyn was reading her book, I frowned

"hmm... that's not what I expected, I should be the first who woke up" I said, she looked at me and smirked , she put down her book,

Agrona came, she was reading a book of magic spells, as she walk inside

"Good afternoon, Prince Loki" she greeted me, and continued reading her book and sat down next to Sigyn

Sigyn sat next to Agrona for a while and left her on the couch, "Come on, Love the Sorcerer wishes to meet us" she said waving her hand 

I transformed back to my normal clothes as she walk by, I followed her

as we walk by, Sigyn looked shocked and thinking alot on her mind, "love? is something's bothering you?"I asked patiently

"Agrona, told me the truth about her" she said, and she stopped "I know her abilities" she said

I frowned, curious and looked puzzled, "all this time, she knew.... she can see the future..." she said

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