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mark and jace
connor and lane
max and jacob
george and zayn
louis and harry

left names were the ones chosen, right names chose.


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louis returns from his double date bone tired. it was nice to hang out with all of them, in all honesty he enjoyed getting to know zayn more than scott. by the end of the night, he tells scott he thinks they could be good friends, but he's still set on harry.

so when they return, louis hangs around for a few minutes before instantly going to find harry. as he searches a few of the islanders ask him how his date went.

"great. have you seen harry?" he asks lane who's in the outdoor kitchen. lane gives him a small smile.

"he's already up in bed." and with that louis makes his way to the bedroom he shares with about 1500 other people. as he walks through bathroom he greets a few other islanders before walking over to his and harry's bed.

he finds harry just scrolling through his phone.

"hey." louis day, harry instantly puts his phone down and grins.

"hey! how'd it go?" harry asks and sits up. louis crawls into bed, sitting on his knees facing harry.

"it was alright." louis answers. harry quirks a brow.

"just alright?" he asks. louis rolls his eyes.

"yeah, was fun." louis says. he hears a few other people coming upstairs and decides to beat the rush to the bathroom.

"i'm gonna go shower and all that." louis tells harry, standing and making his way over.

when louis returns he sees scott and harry talking. just as he makes his way over, scott stands, giving louis a smile. louis return it, getting in bed next to harry.

"good chat?" he asks. harry hums.

"he just let me know you guys are friends. no hard feelings, all that." harry tells him. louis doesn't say anything, just sinking down in bed to lay his head on harry's chest. harry stokes his wet hair, pulling the covers up to their necks.

"should've dried your hair, don't want you getting sick." harry says. louis smiles.

"i'll be fine."



"i'm fucking bored." louis complains, hands above his head and the scorching sun beating down on him. connor looks at him with judgement in his eyes.

"we're in fiji, and you're complaining?" he asks. louis shrugs.

"being in fiji doesn't cure my boredom." louis says. just as the words leave his mouth, his phone dings.

"well looks like you just got some entertainment. louis got a text!" connor screams. the rest of the boys flock over gradually, harry appearing from the outdoor gym sweaty and taking a seat next to louis making him grimace.

"you stink."

"you're so charming."

"read the text!" connor yells. louis chuckles.

"islanders, tomorrow is the recoupling. because you are all male, the six men choosing will be random, and can choose anyone they want. because there's an even number of you, we have another man coming into the villa, putting one of you at risk for being dumped from the island. hashtag happy first week." louis says. they all begin to chat, louis looking to harry.

love island // larry auWhere stories live. Discover now