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"i can't believe you're making me watch this shit." louis says to harry. it was the following morning after the gala, harry was coming down from his hangover and louis was treating him like the baby he truly is. harry said he wanted to watch the twilight sagas, and when louis casually mentioned he never watched them, all hell broke loose.

"babe twilight was a cultural reset." harry says and presses a kiss to louis' temple. louis rolls his eyes, snuggling deeper into harry's arms that were wound tightly around his waist.

"the second one was stupid. it was just the same as the first one but in the werewolf's perspective." louis says. harry smiles, his head hooked over louis' shoulder so he can look at his boy.

"i agree. but it only gets better i promise." harry chuckles. louis smiles, tilting his head back to attach their mouths. harry moans softly, nipping at louis' bottom lip.

"watch it edward." louis teases. harry laughs, pressing one last soft kiss to louis' mouth.

"start the next one i'm gonna get some popcorn." louis says and begins to move the blanket and sinks out of harry's lap. he goes into the cupboard and pulls out the popcorn, putting it into the microwave. he begins to hear the music from the movie beginning to play.

"ah!" louis tells when two arms slide around his waist and a face nuzzles into his neck.

"missed you." harry laughs into his neck. louis softly smacks the top of harry's head.

"jesus. you move so quietly." louis says and pushes his head back into harry's chest. harry kisses his cheek, jumping a little when thunder claps loudly.

they make it back out to the living room, louis curling back into harry's lap and snuggling into the blanket even tighter as he watches the storm rage on through harry's floor to ceiling window.

"god i love this window." louis sighs dreamily as he watches the storm rage on. harry looks away from the tv, watching louis watch the storm.

"move in." he says before he can even think. louis' eyes snap to him, a small smile coming on his face.

"baby i can't afford this place. even if we split it." louis says with a hint of embarrassment in his voice. seattle wasn't cheap, harry was probably paying upwards of five grand for the luxury apartment each month.

harry rolls his eyes at louis' reasoning.

"you know i would never expect you to pay for this place lou. we can figure something out. you can buy groceries or pay the electric." harry says. louis makes a noise of uncertainty. harry strokes the side of louis' face.

"we've been together for what? five months? we hate being apart... imagine coming home and just an hour or so later i'm here too. we can spend all night together, never have to sleep apart. i know it's harder to sleep without you... do you feel that way too?" harry asks. louis' heart could burst. harry was really laying everything out to him right now. louis tended to shy away from talking about how difficult he found it to not see harry for days straight.

"yeah." louis answers shortly. harry smiles and gently kisses louis once.

"i'm already paying for this place lou so you know it's not an issue. i promise you can pay for some stuff too." harry teases. louis smiles softly and leans up to kiss harry.

"ok... i'll move in." louis says. harry gives him a huge grin, leaning down to kiss louis hard.

"god i can't wait." harry says and kisses him again. louis giggles and pull away, looking back to the tv.

"i can bring zeus right?" louis asks worriedly. harry thinks for a moment about what his lease had said about pets.

"we'll bring him, if the leasing office has an issue with pets we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. i doubt they'll even notice though." harry tells him. louis sighs contently, turning back to the tv.

"now we gotta rewind." louis says as a soft kiss is pressed to the vein on his neck. harry hums, making no move to rewind the movie. louis rolls his eyes and rewinds it himself, settling into harry's arms again and watching the stupid movie because he loves his boy so much.

it's a little later in the day when harry convinces louis to spend the night and bribes him with the promise of a good breakfast in the morning. after they've come to this decision, louis begins getting restless.

"we've been holed up in here all day. let's go for a walk." louis says to harry. harry gives him a look of distaste.

"but i wanna be lazy." harry protests. louis rolls his eyes and pulls at harry's arm.

"it can be a slow romantic walk. only around the block. c'mon." louis responds. harry finally gives in and begins to put on warmer clothing. he comes out of the bedroom in a black hoodie with black sweats, a white hoodie in his hands for louis. louis takes it with a smile, grinning as the smell of harry washed over him.

"let's go baby." harry mumbles and throws an arm around louis' shoulders. louis noticed that harry's voice had deepened, the way it does once he gets tired. harry locks his door behind himself, arm still around louis as they walked to the elevator. once the doors close behind them, harry presses his face into louis' hair.

"so, when should we move you in?" harry asks with a massive smile. he was so excited to live with louis again.

"i was thinking maybe we'll move me in a few days before christmas eve. we can have our families over for the two days and then figure something out something to do for new years." louis says. the elevator opens and they make it out of the building to begin their walk.

"love that idea. should we throw a new years party?" harry asks. louis makes a face.

"honestly i don't love the idea of strangers in our home. maybe if it was a party of our close knit friends and family." Louis says. harry hums in agreement.

"same honestly. i don't think i've ever thrown an actual party where strangers showed up." harry chuckles. the wind starts to blow harder and louis burrows deeper into harry's side.

"i don't know why you insisted on going on a walk in forty degree weather when you start getting cold if our apartment is at eighty." harry complains. louis just looks up at him with a smile.

"our apartment." he grins. harry chuckles, leaning down and kissing louis.

"we have to defile your apartment before you move out." harry mumbles into the kiss. louis chuckles.

"pretty sure we already have."

"again and again..." harry says and bites louis' earlobe.

after their walk they fall into bed, harry turns the heat up but louis still shoves his cold feet between harry's legs and uses two blankets. harry is extremely endeared.

A/n: sorry if there's any random capital letters. Halfway through I started writing on my iPad and unlike my phone where I turned off the feature that automatically capitalizes beginning of sentences and names etc. it's on for my iPad.

Also I was thinking of writing a kind of a venting/kind of a journal type of book. I don't think many of you will be interested in that type of thing but I figured I'd ask if that would be something you all would consider reading? I'm a pretty funny and self deprecating person, so I think it might be fun to help distress and stuff to just write about my life and such and have y'all comment back stuff. Idk let me know what you think!

All the love, m.

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