Part 12

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*Dominics POV*

Handing the kid two 20s, I told him to have a nice day and didn't miss the look on his face as he thanked me.

I turned my attention to Genevieve as I held her door open and extended my hand to her. She placed her much smaller hand in mine with a 'Thank you, Sir' and slipped inside the car.

As she went to put her left leg in the car, her skirt rode up her thighs and I'm sure even Andrew saw her black panties.

I felt my pants tent at the thought of what those panties were covering and had to mentally tell my self to pull it the fuck together. Just because my mind was thinking those thoughts ever since the interview, that does not mean that Genevieve even remotely felt the same way or that even so, it would be appropriate to act on it.

While I was still thinking, she must've felt my gaze on the junction between her thighs because she flushed and quickly brought her other leg in the car and adjusted her skirt while looking up at me.

I couldn't exactly look her in the eye after I was just caught staring at her there. She had to have known that's where my eyes were, as well. I couldn't lie, even if I wanted to.

I brushed it off, awkwardly, with a cough into my fist and shut the door, quickly walking around to the other side of the car.

As I got in and slipped the keys into the ignition, bringing the car to life, I had a feeling that she would try to say something, maybe apologize, so I held up my hand. I needed a moment of silence to gather my thoughts. Would I apologize for looking? Should I apologize?

No, definitely act like nothing happened. It was an accident. No big deal.

I knew she knew that I saw what happened and it was demented of me, but I wanted to remember that image.

I wanted to remember that sweet sight because it had been a while since I had been this attracted to a woman and with every day I was near her, my lust only grew more and more substantial.

And this incident wasn't helping that lust.

But I didn't want her to apologize. I wanted her to take my hand that was on the gear shift and put it on her thigh. I wanted her to want me to move it up her leg, closer to what she had just had on display for me and the valet boy to see.

"Dom--," I heard her try to start again and so I raised my hand again.

Just a few more seconds, Genevieve.

Just a few more seconds and the image would be ingrained in my head, maybe not forever, but at least for the day.

"I'm sorry, Sir, I'll wear longer skirts," I heard her quickly whisper before I could stop her.

I definitely didn't want that, but honestly, I didn't need to want her.

I had seen her in the skimpy little skirts she wore to work. I saw the way her eyes had darkened when she saw me look down her shirt this morning. I saw the way her hips swayed when she walked away from me. And I saw the way her face flushed when I gave her any command.

Could it really be that she was attracted to me as well? And would it even matter?

In any case, she wasn't ready for all that I was. She wasn't ready for all of Dominic Blackstone. And she probably wouldn't ever be ready for me.

So, with a soft expression, I faced her and agreed, "That would probably be for the best, Genevieve."

I trained my eyes back to the windshield, turning onto the road that the office building was on.

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