Part 51

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"Are you leaving today," I asked nervously as we drove back to my apartment.

"No, I'll be dropping you off at work in the morning and then heading back to the airport."

My tummy was riddled with anxiety. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Preston just yet. I really felt a connection with him and I wanted to see if there was anything there.

I also wasn't ready to see Dominic just yet, but it was my job and I needed it. I felt nervous about seeing him as well, though. I'd be lying if I said my heart wasn't racing at the thought of being alone in the office with him again, but I couldn't allow myself to think about why that was.

"Oh...where will you be staying tonight?" 

Would he stay with me? Would he even want to?

"At a hotel a few blocks away," he was weaving in and out of traffic as he sped through the city. To watch him effortlessly shift did something unexpected to my body and immediately pulled my mind from Dominic.

It was one of those things that if anyone ever asked 'What turns you on that isn't considered 'intimate'?, the answer would be 'Watching Preston shift gears in a luxury car.'

It was something mixed with the rev of the engine, and his muscles flexing with every movement that got me worked up in this small car.

It had me feeling needy. 

"Stay with me," I whispered.

He looked at me then and smirked as he shifted gears again, "You want Daddy to spend the night?"

I looked up into his eyes, "Yes, please."

"Anything for you, Kitten," he stated with a smile as he turned his attention back to the road.

We made it back to my apartment at 6:30 and I immediately flopped down on my bed. It felt nice to spread out again.

"You tired already?" He smirked as he followed me to the room.

"Not tired, but my body is exhausted. I feel like this weekend's been a roller coaster and I didn't get a chance to relax."

"Are you hungry? Do you want to go get some dinner," He asked as he took off my sandals and began massaging my foot.

"No. I want to stay in and make dinner. I want to drink some wine and dance in the kitchen and be carefree before I have to go back to work and deal with all that is Dominic." 

I had my eyes shut just enjoying the feeling of being pampered.

"Is it always so bad?"

"Not always, no. I just feel like I've had to watch everything I say or I would get punished. And then there was the sneaking around all the time. I'm just..."


I smiled as I heard him finish my sentence.

"Yeah. I just need a man who will show me off, you know? Someone who wants just me and will hold my hand and bring me out in public, and I don't believe that would've ever been him. I do believe he would've found some other excuse to keep being with her because she was good for the company and good for publicity."

"I could be that," he said quietly.

I leaned up on my elbows," What?"

He started massaging my calf, "If you were mine, I would show you off. I would take you out every chance I got and I would definitely hold your hand and kiss you in public. You are someone who needs and deserves to be cherished and treated well. And that's not just because you are insanely beautiful, but because you are so smart and you are cunning and you are caring of others even when they don't deserve it."

I looked to the side, not sure what to say. Dominic had made me feel sexy and lusted after but Preston made me feel beautiful and needed. Still, I couldn't help remembering what had happened on this bed a few days before. It wasn't all bad with Dominic and that's why it made quitting him cold turkey so difficult.

"Say yes," he was suddenly leaning over me, his body on top of mine pressing into me. With him...things were just easy.

"To you?"

"To us," he looked so fierce and so sure that this was what he wanted. Almost as if nothing else mattered.

"How would I see you if you live and work in Houston?"

He kissed my forehead and smiled, "I'll fly in every night."

I laughed at him. Even though the flight time was only about an hour, that was still a considerable amount of money just to waste on flying, not to mention insanely bad for the environment, "Don't be ridiculous. First of all, that would cost too much."

He kissed my lips gently, "I paid a million dollars to go on a date with you. You don't think I'd pay whatever amount necessary to see you every day? Hell, I'd pay a million dollars just to sleep beside you every night."

I laughed again and kissed him, "How about you fly in after work on Fridays and you fly out on Monday mornings?"

He pouted, "But I want to see you every day. I would hate for you to miss me."

I rolled my eyes, "And I don't want you to waste your money. Please? We can video chat after work too if you want, all night? It'll be like we're teenagers."

"You practically are," he teased with a smirk.

"I'll have you know that I haven't been a teenage for about three years."

He put his hand over his heart like he was hurt, "Jesus Christ, kid, make a man feel old why don't you? I haven't been a teenager since about...13 years ago. Fuck, you're young."

I smirked and brushed my lips to his, scratching his scalp lightly with my nails, "And you love it, Daddy."

He closed the distance and hummed, "You're actually the youngest woman I've ever dated."

"Glad to be your first," I pursed my lips to press against his.

The atmosphere in the room was juvenile, relaxed, and unhurried. It was just us enjoying each other's company and feeling unconcerned and unworried about the future.

"Let's go make some dinner," he whispered and kissed me again.

"Don't wanna," I breathed and pressed my lips to his, throwing my arm around his shoulder to hold him to me.

"Kitten, don't be a brat. I know you're hungry and in need of food," he nuzzled his nose against mine.

"Fine," I pouted, "But I'm not going to wear any pants."

He chuckled, "That's fine by me."

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