!Read Me!

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*Skip to the next bolded sentence if you just want information on Book 2*

Hey there readers, new and rereading!

I just wanted to let everyone know that over the next few weeks, months, however long it takes (excuse me being so flaky and lazy and unmotivated at times, I know I should do better) I will slowly but surely be editing this book to make it final draft/E-book ready.

I am doing this on my own though. So, no editor, no publisher, but me, myself, and I. 

Excuse any and all notifications you get from me publishing chapters from this book. I am just trying to make this book the masterpiece I see it being one day. 

*There IS a Book 2! Here's how to find it!!*

Please go to my account (while you're there, click that follow button please) and go to 'Works by StaceySonier'!

There you will find--you guessed it--all of my works.

Put Book 2 in your library, and then proceed to put my 'Cast' book and my 'One Shot' book in your library as well. 

You won't want to miss anything, I assure you. 

*Other Information.*

I just want to thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting. That might not sound sincere but I'm still in shock that there are actual people who enjoy my writing and my story ideas. Even if my characters make some of you big mad.

I gush and gush and gush at you guys but I really do appreciate every one of you and I'm so thankful.

*Shameless Promotion*

I made a Twitter and a Tumblr and they both have to do with my writing, fun facts about the Blackstone Series, and just inspiration for anyone who is writing as well. 

There's a lot of cool stuff so go check it out! I'll be willing to answer any questions and just chit chat!

Search my name 'StaceySonier' and you should find me on both!

Blackstone Inc.  (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now