Part 55

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He swiped his arm across my desk, effectively knocking down anything on the edge and lifted me up.

I couldn't help but react to him, to his kiss, to his words. I allowed him entrance into my mouth and whimpered as his tongue met and caressed mine.

His hands were rough against my body, but his lips and tongue were gentle. His hands represented a man starved, his lips represented a man ready and willing to make amends.

I hated to admit it, but I missed him so much. I missed spontaneously kissing him anywhere, I missed him pushing me against any surface and showing me how he felt without the use or need for words.

My arms were behind me as my hands were planted on the desk to hold me up. I pulled away from the kiss for a lungful of breath, but his lips never left my skin. They traveled down my cheek, jaw and finally my neck where he kissed and nipped with his teeth.

His right hand was holding my waist against him and his left was pulling my shirt out of my pants and was soon to be touching skin.

I needed to decide fast if this was what I wanted. Did I want to cheat on Preston the first day we were together? No, of course not. Did I want to give into Dominic like I usually did? No, of course not. But I was effectively doing both at the moment.

I rolled my head back to rest against my shoulders and closed my eyes. His movements were ravenous as he pulled the shirt up and pushed my bra down. His mouth found my hardened nipples and when he made contact I shuddered.

I liked Preston because he was gentle and sweet, but craved Dominic because he was rough and knew exactly what I needed before I did.

"Dominic," I breathed as I arched into his mouth. His tongue and teeth were anything but gentle and I was soon to be spread out across the desk if I didn't pull my self together.

"Don't speak," he commanded and I moaned as he pulled the hair tie from my ponytail and cradled my head in his hands.

"Open your eyes, Princess," he said gently and when I did he was right above me. His amber eyes dark as he smiled, "Theres those beautiful baby blues."

I rolled my eyes and pulled his head back down for another kiss. This wouldn't work if I had to look at him. I needed to not be reminded of the fact that I was kissing and had my breasts out with the wrong brother.

The fingers of his right hand found the peak of my breast and rolled it harshly. I nipped his bottom lip and he growled as he pulled my hair.

"I fucking missed you, baby. I'm so sorry, fück, I'm so sorry," he breathed against my lips and I whimpered.

Wait, what the fück was I doing!

I pushed against his shoulders and pulled my bra and shirt back into place as I tried to slow my breathing.

"No, Genevieve! I will not allow you to push me away again!" He crashed his lips to mine and I almost gave in again, almost.

I pushed him away again, but this time I kept my hand on his chest, "Stop! We can't do this. I can't do this! I'm with Preston now and Jasmine is pregnant. You're going to be a fucking father, Dominic! Stop clouding my head and let me think for a goddamn second!"

He pulled my hair harshly, making me lean forward. I dropped my hand from his chest as he brushed his lips against mine, "You may be with Preston, but you'll always belong to me. Hell, I'd even go as far to say that you're wet right now. Aren't you, Princess?"

I couldn't breathe, couldn't think with his lips brushing against mine with every word he spoke, with his hands in my hair pulling from the scalp. He was so rough.

"Answer me, Genevieve," he was smirking, I could hear it in his cocky, son of a bïtch voice.

God, I hated him so much.

'No, you don't.'

"Yes," I whispered.

"Yes, what?" His hand came around my throat and he squeezed the sides before pursing his lips against my parted ones.

"Yes, Daddy."

Okay, so maybe I didn't hate him, I just hated the pull he had on me. I hated that I was effectively ruining almost every bridge I had built because my stupid body wanted him rough inside of me.

"Tell Daddy what you want, Princess," he commanded in a low and gruff voice.

"You, Daddy. I want you," I was such a slût for him. It was almost disgusting but was definitely despicable.

"Leave him," he said quietly.

"I can't," I whined, "I need someone and I can't have you."

"You can, baby. It'll be just me and you soon, I swear," he pushed his lips to mine and I felt intoxicated. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't craved this kind of attention the last couple of days. I appreciated what Preston was trying to do, but that wasn't who I was.

Preston was sweet while Dominic was rough and the bigger part of me needed the roughness.

Still, I couldn't help but push him away again.

"Please, stop," I whimpered. I needed time to think. I made a decision this weekend, and I was having a very difficult time sticking to that decision.

"Why are you pushing me away so hard, Genevieve," He asked as he raked his fingers through his hair and stared into my eyes.

"Because you got her pregnant, Dominic. She's pregnant with your baby, not me." My breathing was heavy, but the fog was clearing from my mind now.

"You want a baby, then? I'll give you a baby, Princess. I'll give you as many babies as you want. You can be barefoot and pregnant for the rest of your life if you want, but please stop pushing me away."

I laughed breathlessly and shook my head, "You already have a baby, Dominic. You don't want to have one with me."

His face hardened, "Let's stop talking about babies because you're pissing me off every time you mention it."

"I'm pissing you off? Could you imagine how I feel hearing that you'd give me a baby when you already made one with someone else?"

I couldn't believe him. It's like he was picking and choosing what to comment on. Like he wouldn't acknowledge the fact that he had gotten Jasmine pregnant, like that wasn't the elephant in the fücking room.

"You're infuriating," he stated as he rubbed his face.

"Me!?" I felt my cheeks redden, "I'm infuriating? You just had your lips around my nipples while also managing to have a pregnant girlfriend and I'M infuriating?!"

I got down from the desk and pushed my shirt back into my pants, "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back. Please put my things back on my desk that you so roughly pushed off."

He smirked, "So now I'm the one taking commands?"

I grabbed my purse and walked to the hallway, "It's only fair."

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