Part 72

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I laughed, "Be more specific. What is 'everything'?"

He smiled and waited a moment, just looking down at my eyes, my lips, "Let's start with your favorite color?"

"Amber," I blurted out and then felt my eyes widen.

He smirked and dropped his voice to a whisper, "Mine's baby blue."

My insides felt like jello. How was it possible to fall even further? Wasn't this the bottom? Did it get better? Because it was already pretty fucking great.

"Hi, guys! How are we doing tonight?" A lanky man with dark bushy eyebrows and tight curly hair stopped in front of our table and looked at the non-existent space between us before smiling.

"Good, and you," I asked brightly.

"I'm wonderful. Are we celebrating tonight? Perhaps a wedding anniversary?" His eyebrows wiggled and I blushed.

I was about to answer 'no' but Dominic squeezed my shoulder, "Yes, our second, actually. How'd you know?"

My eye widened and I realized that the waiter had no idea who either of us was. We were strangers to him even though Dominic was one of the most powerful men in the city...maybe even the state.

"The way you two were in your own little world when I dropped off your drinks. And the look on your faces and how close you are. Your body language screams love," he smiled and it was infectious.

"Thank you," I blushed again and leaned closer into Dominic.

"So, do you know what you're having," he looked from me to Dominic and then back.

"What would you recommend," Dominic asked before shutting his menu and placing it on top of mine.

The waiter put the pen cap to his cheek, "Um, the chicken is good; it's just a chicken breast, lightly seasoned, with a fresh garden salad and garlic and herb roasted potatoes. And then, of course, the steak; we can prepare it however you'd like, but it does come with a side of roasted cherry tomatoes and asparagus and a fully loaded baked potato.

Dominic smiled, "That's actually perfect. Chicken for her, steak for me, medium rare, thank you."

The waiter wrote our order on a pad and then looked up and smiled, "Alright guys, I'll get that right in for you and I'll bring a complimentary glass of champagne for the two of you. Congratulations."

He walked away after taking our menus and I was bursting at the seams.

"Why did you tell him that," my cheeks were flushed as I looked into his eyes. He was smirking, of course, but it turned into a sweet smile.

"I didn't want to disappoint him," he leaned forward and kissed me for, like, the gazillionth time tonight.

"Two years," I questioned.

"One for each time I wanted to tell you I loved you before you said it first," his fingers brushed my cheek and I was a puddle on the floor.

"Did you always want to do something in business," he suddenly asked.

"Uh..." I was shocked at how fast the conversation had changed but was grateful as I had nothing to say to his confession, "No, I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was younger, and then I wanted to be a writer, but I can't write to save my life and I can't seem to finish anything I start, so..."

He looked perplexed, "Very all over the place."

I smiled and looked down for a moment, "Yeah, I know. What about you?"

He sighed, "Since my father already owned the company he needed a son who would take over for him when he was ready to retire, and he got two but I digress. My whole life was basically planned out for me since I was young," he smiled playfully, "I wanted to be an astronaut, though."

I laughed, "Aw, and you didn't get to be?"

He arched an eyebrow with a smirk, "Do you see me with space gear on?"

I smiled and ran my tongue along the inside of my cheek before I shoved him lightly, "That's not what I meant."

He chuckled, "I know, but no. Like I said, my cards were already dealt and besides, I'm really good at owning and managing my branch of the company."

I leaned forward and kiss him once, "That you are, Mr. Blackstone."

His eyes darkened, "Have you always had a thing for older men?"

I bit my lip and my cheeks were in a perpetual state of blush, "No, my ex is only a year older than me."

"And he lives back in New Orleans?"

I nodded, "Right next door, actually. Preston met him while he was there."

His face hardened and I immediately knew that was the wrong thing to say. Why bring up your ex in front of your... were we even together?

"I'm sorry, Dominic. I didn't mean to brin—"

"When do you go back next," he placed his hand in mine.

I hesitated for a moment, "Next weekend."

"I'm coming with you," he stated.

"Oh, no. You don't have to, Dominic. It's fine."

How was I going to explain to my father that Preston wasn't actually who was supposed to accompany me in the first place, but it was Dominic? Was I just supposed to say 'Oh hey, by the way, this is actually my boss and my lover?'. Yeah, that'll go over so well.

"I'm coming, Genevieve. I'll get to know your parents and I'll learn more about you than Preston ever could've. And I'll beat up your ex, too, if you'd like."

I laughed, "Jesus, Dom. I don't think that'll be necessary. Besides, he's harmless. He just likes to show up when I'm there."

He smirked and brushed his nose against mine, "Then I'll just have to be all over you, won't I?"

"Like you are now?"

He chuckled, "Now that we get to be together in public you can expect more of this. I am a very touchy partner when I'm with someone I like."

I stiffened and he pulled back and I watched his brows knitted, "Do you not want that?"

I sucked in a deep breath, "What are we, Sir?" My heart was pounding.

He smirked as his thumb grazed my pulse point on my neck, feeling my heart work in overtime to push the blood through my veins.

"What do you think we are, Genevieve?"

I stared into his eyes, there was no way he was going to saddle me with that one, "I asked you first, Sir."

His tongue parted his lips to wet the bottom and he pressed his thumb into my pulse point, "Ladies first."

My heart wasn't letting up, "You're the boss."

"And you're my submissive so I command you to tell me what you think we are."

Shit, shit, shit.

"Uh," I wasn't aware that my heart could pound this fast, "I think we're in a relationship."

He smirked again, "Yes, we are: A dominant, submissive relationship, but what do you think I am to you?"

I sighed and whispered under my breath, "My boyfriend."

The fucking smirk was still present, the fucker, "Excuse me. What was that? I didn't quite hear you."

I leaned in and brushed my lips to his, "My boyfriend."

Somehow the phrase didn't do us justice though, but I would take whatever I was given. He was my boyfriend and now I felt weightless. I felt free to be with who I wanted and the future looked bright as I stared at the Sun and it looked back with nothing but love.

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