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*About a year later*

"Sister-in-law," I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around and looked up into a familiar pair of amber eyes and smiled, "Preston, I'm so glad you could make it."

"Dom would hate me again if I missed the party," his eyes sparkled before looking down at my stomach.

"My, my, look how big you are now," he teased with a smirk and I playfully shoved his shoulder.

"You know it's rude to tell a pregnant woman she looks big, Preston Connor," I chastised with a smirk of my own.

"So sorry, Genevieve. Do forgive me," the smirk never faltering as he tried to sound proper.

"You're impossible," I chuckled then tried but failed to bend down and grab a bottle of water from one of the many coolers lined along the back of the house.

"Let me help you with that," he chuckled before crouching to open the lid and grabbing a bottle.

I placed a hand to my hip for support, "Thanks. It's getting harder to do simple things like crouch down now."

I placed a hand over my swollen belly and smiled, though it made life a little more difficult, it was worth it.

"Have you guys picked names yet," he questioned.

"Uh, yeah, the boys' name is Theodore Alistair and the girl is Olivia Grace," and even though I was only five and half months I looked like I was about seven or eight. It was exhausting carrying two babies and it would only get harder from here.

"Genevieve," I heard Dominic call out, worry heavy in his voice. I saw his familiar head of black hair through the sea of people.

"Over here, Love," I called back, waiting as he made it through the crowd and when his eyes met mine I watched his face light up.

"There you are. I was worried about you, Princess." He looked at the water bottle in my hand and then glared down at me, "You tried to get that by yourself, didn't you?"

I felt my face redden, "Yes, Sir."

He raised my shirt over my stomach before placing his hands on either side and spoke gently to me, "You should've asked and I would've helped. You know that."

I heard Preston clear his throat and Dominic noticed him then, "She had help."

Dominic nodded, "Thank you, brother. I appreciate it, but it's my job," his eyes on me again.

"I can't ask you for every single thing, Dominic. I have to at least try to do things myself," I huffed as I crossed my arms under my swollen chest.

"No," he simply stated, "You are to ask if there is something you need help with. We've talked about this before, Princess. I will not allow you to strain yourself over a damn bottle of water."

My heart clenched and desire pooled in my lower stomach as I listened to his concern for me and our unborn children, part of it also being his command, I won't lie.

I bit my lip as I looked into his eyes and he noticed the sudden shift.

"Now," he asked, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

I nodded before giving him a sultry smile, "Now."

"Oh, Jesus. I don't even want to know," I heard Preston whisper before he left us as fast as he could.

Dominic slowly stalked around me, as if taking in his prey before pulling my back to his chest gently and leaning down to whisper in my ear, "Would you like to take this upstairs, wife?"

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