Part 16

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He still walked around to my side of the car but pushed me against the door, pressing his body into mine as he snaked one of his hands into my hair and pulled until I was looking up at him.

"I'm going to kiss you now, Genevieve. Do you want this?"

And I knew there was a double meaning to his question.

"Yes, Dominic, I do. I want this so bad," I admitted as I held onto his sides, pulling him closer.

He smiled wickedly, "Such a good girl," he whispered and then his lips were on mine.

It wasn't lost on me that our first kiss was in a parking lot as he swiped his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entry. My lips parted and his tongue caressed mine and the taste of him and the wine had me intoxicated.

His free hand trailed down my back to my ass and he squeezed one of the cheeks there and I moaned, loving the feeling of his hands in my hair and on my body.

He started kissing down my neck and I pulled him closer, needing to feel his body all over me.

"You're so eager for me," his hot breath fanned against the skin of my neck and I yelped in surprise as he bit the skin there.

"Dom, please!"

I didn't know what I was asking for but I knew that he would know. He would know exactly what I needed.

"Are you coming home with me, Genevieve," he asked as he gazed down into my eyes.

The sky was dark now but I could see his eyes ablaze with a lust that wouldn't be satiated easily. 

I knew if I said yes there would be no going back. I couldn't just be his assistant anymore. I would be his...

What? His fuck buddy?

'Are you sure this is what you want? Are you willing to be his friend with benefits if he doesn't want more? Can you keep your heart out of this if need be?'

"Yes," I breathed out, still clutching his sides.

"Get in the car then, slut," he said with a smirk and as I moved around him to get into the door he had opened for me, he smacked my ass.

"Yes, Sir," I said and got in. My mind had been made up the moment I first laid eyes on him. I didn't care what happened after tonight. If he acted as though nothing happened come Monday, I'd be content because at least I got to spend one night with him.

When he had walked around to his side, put our food containers in the back seat, and then got in and started the car, I shivered, loving the feeling of the rumble underneath me, to which he chuckled.

"You're so sensitive," he said in wonder, reversing out of the spot and then driving back up the alley and out onto the main road.

I whimpered as he took the zipper at the front of my breast and tugged it out but didn't pull it down.

"I want this off of your body, Genevieve. I want to see what's underneath," he said as his voice dropped low and dark.

I gasped and looked out the windows.

Though it was dark, what if someone saw? What if someone happened to look over and see me naked for him?

"The windows are as tinted as legally possible. No one can see you, Princess. Go ahead and unzip that dress for me," he said reassuringly.

I took a deep breath and looked at his eyes gleaming in the interior lights of the car as I slid the zipper down the dress and peeled it away from my skin. I couldn't wear a bra with this dress so I had heart pasties covering my nipples.

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