Part 67

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He had taken me home soon after we had gotten up and dressed. I wanted to stay and watch and maybe have another drink, but he was adamant about leaving and getting back to work.

I couldn't help but feel worried as he told Charles to drop him off first. Had he wanted to get away from me so bad that he couldn't even wait until I was dropped off?

He kissed my lips once and then got out and shut the door. He didn't even spare a glance back at the car as he walked back into the building. Was that kiss the last we would share? Was it a courtesy kiss? A pity kiss? A 'Sorry I made you fall in love with me but we can't continue this' kiss?

"Your apartment, Ms. Carlyle?"

I rubbed my face as I leaned my elbows on my knees, "Yes, Charles. Thank you."

The car was silent for a moment as I felt him pull away from the curb.

"Are you okay," he asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little confused and unsure," I sighed and sat back against the seat.

When I looked over at the space Dominic had occupied I thought back to how it felt to be near him before my eyes spoke my feelings and effectively ruined everything.

I decided right then and there that tomorrow when I got to work I would act as though nothing happened. If he said anything about it I would chalk it up to being in the moment.

Emotions were running high and I was caught up in his amber eyes and his smile...and his white teeth...and his minty breath...and his gentle kisses...and his soft caresses...and shit.

'Yeah, there's no denying this.'

Fucking hell.

"Can I be frank for a moment, Ms. Carlyle?"

I looked up into the rearview mirror, "Its Genevieve, Charles, please."

He looked up and smiled, "Okay, Genevieve. Can I be frank for a moment?"

"Always. I value blunt honestly."

He took a deep breath as his eyes gazed back to the road, "Whatever happened in there...just forgive him."

I chuckled, "What if it was something that I did?"

"Oh? Well...what did you do if you don't mind me asking."

"I... he figured out that I'm in love with him, I think. I didn't say it with words...but I mean..." I sighed again and put my head in my hands.

There was truly no going back. He had seen it. I asked for it. It was almost out in the open to the point he had run from me.

"He loves you too," Charles murmured.


"He hasn't said it, but I'm sure of it. I watch you two when you're together, and it is very predominant. And there was that time he threatened me before the charity event."

I blushed at the thought that he could possibly feel the same way. It was one thing to think it for yourself, but to have someone else confirm your feeling...It was revelating.

I looked up in the rearview mirror again, "Thank you, Charles."

He looked up and smiled, "If we're being informal, please call me Charlie."

I smiled back, "Thank you, Charlie."

He looked back to the road, "Just don't give up on him, Genevieve. He needs you. I've worked for Mr. Blackstone for a long time and I've never seen him so lax. He acts like a man without a world of problems on his shoulders when he's with you. I wanted to thank you for a while for reminding him that he is a person and not just a businessman."

I looked out the window and couldn't hide the smile or the blush that spread across my cheeks.


"Preston," I answered the phone with a sigh.

"Hi, Kitten. How was your day? I tried to call you earlier, but your phone was off."

I got up from the couch and walked toward the door, making sure It locked it, before walking to my window and looking down at the street. I really didn't want him surprising today.

"It was fine. And sorry, I was...out," I was pacing my living room, ready to get off the phone with him.

"Oh? Where?"

I rolled my eyes, "I went to a club and had a drink. It was celebratory. I had a good time and then came home."

"You went alone?"

I was starting to get mad, "Was there something that you wanted, Preston? Or did you seriously call to play 21 questions?"

He chuckled, "I didn't mean to offend you, Kitten. It still feels weird to not have you around. I know we spent a short while together...but I felt like we really connected. Anyway, I miss you."

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes tight, "Preston, we need to talk..."

He was quiet for a few moments before I heard him sigh, "That phrase never ends well."

And it isn't about to.

"With everything that happened yest--"

"--Can I just say again that I'm so sorry? I never meant to hurt you, Genevieve."

I chuckled, but felt nothing was funny, "But you did, Preston. You aimed to hurt me. I cried and you hurt me. I bled and you hurt me. I said I was done and you hurt me. You are a grown man and you acted like a child throwing a tantrum. You can't hurt people because you don't get your way. But I digress--"

"--I'm sorry, Genevieve! Let me make it up to you, please," he pleaded.

"No. I think it's better if we take some time to think things through. I rushed into this because you showed me a little bit of attention and that wasn't fair to you. I knew I still had feelings for Dominic and I agreed to be with you anyway, and for that, I am sor--"

"--But I forgive you, Princess. And if you were with him today and something happened, I forgive you for that too! I just...I want you to come and work for me."

I was the one silent for a moment, "What?"

"Leave him and come work for me. If it's so hard to get over him while still working for him, then you can come work for me. I'll even promote you to an overseer position. I know you have the talent for it, I've looked at your file too. Please say yes."

I took a deep breath and fell silent again. Was I actually considering this? If he was serious, it was a good opportunity. One that I didn't want to pass over lightly.

"Let me think about it."

"Okay, Kitten," I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I'll call you by the end of the week and give you an answer."

I would give Dominic till the end of the week to either leave Jasmine with my help or confess his feelings for me. I wouldn't stick around for a shit job position and an even shittier relationship.

'But you love him...'

Two weeks ago, I would've dropped everything and took Preston up on his offer. I need to make a name for myself while I'm young. This is what my grandmother would've wanted.

'Don't let a man take care of you. Be independent. Buy the life you want,' and that's exactly what I would do. I wanted to prove my worth to this company and if it happened at Prestons branch of Blackstone Inc. then so be it.

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