Part 48

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"We'll go shopping tomorrow, just me and you, okay," my mom asked as we washed the dishes together.

"Sounds great, mom. So, you like him?" I bit my lip waiting for her answer.

"It doesn't seem like an 'I get what I want, he gets what he wants' kind of relationship like you made it out to be. He seems to really like you, I see it every time he looks at you."

I remembered the phone call I had given her earlier this week. The man I was talking about bringing then was completely different from the one that actually accompanied me and I hated lying to my mom about something important like that, but maybe I'd tell her tomorrow.

"I like this one, mom," and it wasn't a lie.

"I can see that, pumpkin. Just be careful, especially if he's your boss."

My heart clenched for a moment, but I soothed away the feeling with promises of the truth tomorrow.

I finished drying the dishes and we walked out into the living room with my dad and Preston watching some football game.

"You can't be serious," my dad yelled animatedly at the tv.

"For real! That ref was out of bounds with that flag! Clearly, there was no contact!" Preston was right there with him.

"Boys!" I laughed and both of them looked up at me.



They both spoke their pet name for me at the same time and I blushed but they both chuckled.

"She was my pumpkin before she was your kitten and she'll be my pumpkin long after," my dad teased and stuck out his tongue.

Preston got up and hugged me, standing a whole foot taller, "I don't aim to take her from you, sir. I merely want a place of my own in her heart."

'Jesus Christ, save my soul, I repent my sins, I owe it all to you, oh glory, praise! Why did you bring us this man for we are not worthy, Dear Lord!'

No, we are not, sister.

My dad's face hardened and he nodded. An action that I knew held a lot more emotion than it showed. He didn't let others know his feelings, but having known him for the past 22 years let me know that he, indeed, liked Preston and gave us his blessing.

"Let's go to bed before dad gets all weepy," I joked, hugging mom and kissing my dad on the forehead before heading up the stairs with Preston in tow.


I was under the covers in my favorite spaghetti-strapped nightgown that I had forgotten I owned since I forgot to bring it with me to Dallas. 

It was silk and pink and I had officially outgrown it as it was a little tight. Where it once used to end at my knees, it now ended about mid-thigh and the top now hugged my bra-less breasts just enough that it was more comfortable than uncomfortable.

Preston walked in and shut the door behind him before stopping to look at me with a smile. He was illuminated in the moonlight shining in through the open window and the moon was full and bright tonight.

"You comfy," he asked as he started making his way to me.

"I am. Come get in so we can cuddle," I moved over to the wall and held up a corner of the covers. 

He took off his t-shirt and was left in just a pair of boxers. He then joined me in bed and pulled me to his chest, running his hand down my silk covered back.

"This seems a little tight," he commented quietly, slipping his fingers into the top and rubbing lightly.

"I've had it for a while, but I forgot it here. I decided to wear it because it used to be my favorite, but you're right. It is a little tight." I pouted.

"Why don't you take it off then, Kitten? Get more comfortable."

His voice wasn't commanding and I could tell that this was solely my decision. He would be fine with whatever I chose.

"Okay," I said quietly. I sat up and lifted the end up over my head and threw it at the computer desk. I laid back against his chest and he stroked my naked back.

"Now, doesn't that feel better," he asked quietly.

"Yes, Daddy," I whispered.

My heart was racing and I felt a pulse in my core. I was half-naked, once again, in front of this man, but this time I was sober and completely aware of my surroundings.

I tilted my head up and kissed his jaw, making the first move.

He looked a lot like Dominic, with the amber eyes, the dark hair, the dominant stance, but Preston had less facial hair. Instead of a full beard and mustache like Dominic sported, Preston's facial hair consisted of mostly five o'clock shadow that was well maintained.

The area around my lips felt slightly sunburned like my shoulders and back did, but I knew it was just because of all the kissing we did, and having his stubble rub my skin raw.

I wanted the feeling to never end. I wanted to constantly be reminded that I had once kissed this man. He was so good looking it hurt. He was the type of man you see in a magazine and you cut his picture out and tac it to your wall. That was Preston—and Dominic—, but I digress.

"You need sleep," he sighed as he stared up at the ceiling.

"I need aloe gel," I stated with a chuckle.

"Do you have any?" He looked down at me and I nodded my head.

I kicked the cover off of me and crawled over his large body before donning my nightgown and heading to the bathroom.

After finding the gel and heading back down the hall, I stepped back into the room and shut the door quietly.

He was sitting up now, "Where do you feel it the most?"

I bit my lip, "It's not too bad in any place except my shoulders, chest, and back, but I got a little red almost everywhere."

"Then we'll work our way down. Take off the nightgown and sit with your back to me."

I shed the gown and crawled onto the bed, turning in front of him and sitting with my legs crossed. I handed him the bottle and heard him open it and squirt some onto his hands.

"It's gonna be cold, but then it'll feel better."

I held my breath and waited for the cool substance to hit my heated skin.

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