Part 59

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"Do not speak unless I say you can. Understand?"

He still had his hand around my throat and he was towering over me so much that my head was tilted back to look him in the eyes.

I tried to nod, but with his hand around my neck, It was almost impossible. He got the gist though and moved on.

"You are to do everything I command. Understand?"

I smiled and tried to nod again. My bottom lip was between my teeth and I was smiling as I felt blissful.

I would finally have everything I wanted in a man. Someone who was carefree and easy going, but that could also dominate me and control me within reason.

Maybe Dominic was capable of being that, but he would never be that for me. He showed me that he only wanted me for my body, even today when he was trying to win me back.

"Hey! Mind on me, slut," he smacked my ass and I yelped.

"Apologize for thinking about him," he commanded.

"I'm sorry, Daddy," I whispered as I looked into his eyes.

"Every time you think of him you are you say 'I'm sorry, Daddy.' Understood? You may speak."

"Yes, Daddy," I whispered again.

"I will know when you think of him so you better tell me before I have to say something and If I hear you say that, you will add another to your punishment so I pray you push him from your mind tonight, for your own sake.

You want rough? I'll be cruel. You want to be dominated? I'll hurt you. You don't want to be able to sit tomorrow? I'll make sure you can't stand. But remember that this is what you wanted."

Wait...what? What had I gotten myself into?

"Strip, and don't make me ask twice. I hate repeating myself," he commanded before letting me go.

I pulled my shirt and then my bra over my head before pushing my shorts and thong down my legs and they pooled to the floor.

He didn't even look at my body, his eyes still focused on mine.

"Lean over the back of the couch with your knees on the cushions. Make sure to arch that ass out."

I bit my lip and complied. I was feeling anxious and was nervous about what was to come. I knew I was also already wet and my thighs were shaking in anticipation.

I heard him unbuckle his belt and then pull it harshly through the loops before he popped it behind me and I jumped from the sound.

"I'm going to hit you until you safe word me. I will not be gentle with you, Genevieve. I am pissed and I am hurt and I thought I knew you better, but I now know what it takes to keep you. Once you safe word me, we will assess if you are capable of safely letting me fuck you and if you are, I will proceed to hurt you some more until you safe word me again. Basically, everything I do tonight will end in you safe wording me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy," I was afraid for how the night would end and I was frightened of this Preston, but...he wouldn't hurt me too badly, would he?

He didn't even give me a warning before he brought the belt down against my ass. It definitely felt like he reared his arm back all the way for that one and I screamed.

"Try to be as quiet as you can, Genevieve. You have neighbors and I would hate for them to call the police. Do you understand?"

He sounded so void of emotion. This wasn't the Preston that I was used to. The Preston I used to was warm and kind and understanding, this one was cold and harsh and wanted to hurt me more than bring me pleasure.

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