Part 45

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I stood up, letting the folding chair act as a barrier between us, "Uh, thanks—"

"—But no thanks," Preston said as he walked around the edge of the pool and over to us.

He came to stand behind me with his hands on my hips. "I'll do it," he leaned down and placed a kiss to my cheek.

I blushed and cleared my throat, "Preston, this is Jackson. He lives next door. Jackson, this is my...boyfriend, Preston."

Even through my sunglasses, I could see that Jackson still had his signature tan. He was still lean with an athletic build and his wispy sun-bleached hair was slightly tousled and lightly blowing in the breeze.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jackson," Preston held out his hand. 

Jackson placed his hand in Prestons and gave it one simple shake. "You too," he replied with a small frown.

Dear, God. Where's mom and dad?

"So, how's Dallas been treating ya, Gen," Jackson asked, trying to keep the awkwardness at bay and I really appreciated him for that. 

He took a seat in the folding chair beside the one I had been laying in.

"Dallas is fine. I really enjoy it," I answered. 

I pushed Preston down into my chair and spread his legs so that I could sit in the middle of them. I then grabbed his hand and squeezed some sunscreen into it and turned back around.

He spread it around in his hands before settling them on my shoulders and rubbing down my back.

"And I hear you're working as an assistant? What, uh...what happened to you wanting to do something in business?"

I looked over at Jackson and smiled sadly, "Well, you know when my grandmother passed she left everything to me so I had to go box up all of her stuff and try to sell her house. I just felt so down after having to go through all of that, so I stayed and dropped out of college to find work in Dallas."

"And that's where I come in," Preston said behind me, still rubbing my back and hips even though I had a feeling there was no more sunscreen to be rubbed in.

"Oh, you two work together?" Jackson looked visibly thrown off. I guess my mom hadn't told him who I was bringing.

"She works under me," Preston chuckled in my ear and I blushed.

"What he means is I'm his assistant. He's the boss."

"Oh, and so you two are together..."

"Yes," Preston answered without hesitation.

"That's...awesome. Listen, I'm gonna go see if your mom and dad need any help," Jackson then got up and walked into the house.

My heart was racing from the nervousness I felt but also from how Preston had taken charge of that whole interaction. 

He was rubbing sunscreen into the back of my neck now, his fingers every once in a while running up my pulse points, "Calm down, Kitten. I'm here," he whispered huskily into my ear.

"I know," I whimpered. I was laying against his chest now with him innocently rubbing my shoulders and upper arms and I was still wet.

"Fuck, I'm gonna need to get in the pool soon," I whispered. My nipples were hard against my bikini top and he brought his hands down my chest, just barely rubbing them through the material, before settling on my stomach.

"Daddy," I moaned for God and everyone to hear and I didn't care.

"Hush, Kitten. Someone's going to hear you," he chuckled into my hear, "Let's go take a swim, does that sound good?"

"No," I muttered, "I can think of about five other things that sound way better and can be done in this chair and I want them all."

"Naughty, naughty little kitten. Come on, let's go swim," he gently pushed me up and I huffed in defiance.

He stood up and pulled me up with him. Bending down, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of my shorts before pulling them down my legs and helping me out of them before putting them on the table. I took my sunglasses off and set them on my shorts.

He pulled me to the stairs and we walked into the cool water together. It did feel nice against my heated skin, I will admit.

"Hold me," I grabbed his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist and he put his hands on the bottom of my thighs.

"You sure are needy," he smirked.

"Only when I'm really really wanting something," I whispered as I laid my head down between his neck and shoulder.

"And what do you want, Kitten?" He moved one hand up to my back and was rubbing gentle circles.

"You," I nipped his neck lightly.

I felt him harden against me and I smiled, "Please."

"We are at your parents' house, in the pool, and they are literally about to walk out at any moment," he chuckled, his fingers were still making patterns on my back.

"Then touch me, Daddy. No one will know," I whimpered.

He kissed my shoulder, but his fingers still continued their work.


"No, Genevieve. I respect you enough not to fuck or finger you in the pool at your parents' house. Would you just enjoy the moment with me, please? It's been a while since I've gotten to relax like this and I would like to take a moment to breathe with you cuddled around me. Is that okay, Kitten?"

I hadn't stopped to think about how busy of a man he could've been. I hadn't known him but for a few hours and I was not off to a good start.

"I'm sorry, Preston. I'll calm down." I wrapped my arms around him tighter and kissed his shoulder like he had done mine.

Like last night, I felt his chest begin to rumble from the light tune he was humming. I recognized it and began humming along.

We stayed like that for a while, him holding me while slightly swaying in the water, us humming lightly to each other, both of us just enjoying the others company.

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