Part 61

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"Hello, Mr. Emerson, I'm Genevieve. We spoke over the phone," I said as I extended my hand to the older man.

"Genevieve, yes. It's so nice to finally meet you," his eyes raked over my figure unashamedly.

He was in his 50s, at least, with salt and pepper facial and head hair. The black suit he was wearing fit his body well and I could see he was in pretty decent shape. His skin was tan and his teeth were gleaming white as he smiled at me before shaking my hand and sitting in the chair I was standing next to. He was very good looking for his age so flirting with him wouldn't be difficult to do.

"So, you'll be conducting this meeting then," He asked and I still hadn't sat down yet as the pain was still too great. I almost shed a tear driving to work this morning so I didn't even sit down in the office. I played it off as being nervous and I think Dominic bought it.

"Mr. Blackstone will be with us shortly, he apologizes for the inconvenience, but it'll be good for us to get to know each other until he finally arrives."

Dominic had asked me to 'butter him up' a bit before he swooped in and closed the deal.

I bit my lip and watched as his eyes followed the action. This would be a piece of cake.

"Tell me about your self, Mr. Emerson," I asked as I leaned my hip against the table.

"What would you like to know, Genevieve?"

"Your age, how you got into business, are you married, do you have kids...just the usual conversational things, if that's alright with you, Sir."

He chuckled, "Uh, I'm 53...I got into business because it came easily to me. I am not married but I do have a son who's around Dominic's age. What about you? Are you close to Dominic in age?"

"I went to college for business so I'm just trying to get as much experience as I can before I work my way up in the company. I am not married either and I have no children. And uh, no, Sir. I'm 22 so about 13 years younger than him. "

"Oh, damn. You're very young," his pupils widened and I bit my lip again.

This was going so fucking well. It felt nice to get my mind off of something other than the Blackstone brothers. They plagued almost every one of my waking thoughts and I even had dreams of them, so to get my mind back in the grind of the business relieved me.

I smiled flirtatiously at Mr. Emerson, "I am, but I'm also eager to learn and willing to listen and I do follow directions very well, so that helps when learning the ropes."

I walked over to the breakfast bar and took a plastic cup from beside the water pitcher.

"Are you thirsty, Mr. Emerson? Would you like something to drink?"

"Water, please," he replied in a husky voice as he looked into my eyes.

I poured him a cup and leaned over the table to set it in front of him. As with the first time I wore this dress, I couldn't wear a bra, but I did have on pasties over my nipples so you could very clearly see the outline of my breasts, but that was its purpose. I was Dominic's secret weapon and could make almost any man do my bidding.

"So, is your son going to take over your company when you retire," I asked him as I stood back up and leaned against the back of a chair.

He chuckled and took a sip of the water before clasping his hands over the table, "I won't be retiring for another ten years, so, sorry Genevieve, but you'll be dealing with me for a little while longer."

I bit my lip again and batted my lashes, "Oh, that's no problem, Sir. No problem at all. I guess what I meant was is he in business too? Is he following in his fathers' footsteps?"

"Yes, actually. He works at the company with me. He's watching over things while I'm here, but I'm sure I'll return to some kind of catastrophe."

I hummed and dropped my voice, "The kids will play while Daddy is away."

His eyes darkened again and I saw a rosy tint paint his cheeks as he cleared his throat.

Just then Dominic walked in with his eyes trained to me. His face was hard and I knew he had heard me call Gary 'Daddy' nonchalantly, and I knew I was taking a risk by doing it, but I had seen the lust in the man's eyes before Dominic walked in so I knew the risk was worth it.

He turned his eyes to Gary, "Mr. Emerson, good to see you. It feels like it's been ages."

The man stood up and held his hand out, "Please, Dom, we're past formality. It's Gary, old friend."

Dominic chuckled and shook Garys' hand, "Very well, Gary. I'm sure my assistant took care of you while I was away?"

Gary cleared his throat again and looked at me, "Yes, she's quite lovely."

I blushed and Dominic gestured for Gary to have a seat before walking around to my side of the table and holding my chair out for me.

"I hope you don't mind, but Genevieve will be staying for the duration of the meeting to take notes. Is that okay?"

Gary looked back at me and smiled, "That's great. I get to talk business and look at a beautiful woman? I wish all meetings went this way. Where'd you find this one anyway?"

He looked at Dominic now and I saw Dominic's jaw tighten before relaxing and settling a fake smile on his face, "She walked in right off the street. She's not even from here so I got extremely lucky. I knew the moment I saw her I had to snatch her up."

I blushed and then chuckled before sitting down, trying my hardest not to draw attention to the challenge it was, "Alright boys, let's get down to business, shall we? Now Gary, tell us a price you're comfortable with and we will do our best to work with you."

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