Part 24

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He took me to a little diner on the outskirts of town, one that he proclaimed had the best burgers in the area, but I ordered a salad with grilled chicken instead. This time I didn't get asked if I wanted something more than that.

I learned that he worked in the I.T. department and that he lived in an apartment down the street from mine. This would make potential meet-ups easier if there were to be any.

I wondered if he would try to invite me over tonight. I decided then that if he did I would accept. I needed something to distract myself and he would do just fine.

I also learned that he had lived here for all of his life, was definitely a mamas boy, even though he wouldn't come right out and say it, and that he didn't want any kids.

"Not at all," I asked as I pushed my salad around, digging for the chicken bits.

"Not at all. Why, you do?"

He picked up his burger and when he took a bite, a glob of ketchup fell onto his white button-up, staining it.

"I mean, not until I'm a little higher up, but sure. I definitely want kids in the future," I replied and didn't miss the face he made at me as he tried to clean the mess.

"Higher up? How much higher do you want to go? You are already right under the CEO," he stated as he dabbed his napkin in his water and took it to his shirt.

I chuckled as though he had just told a joke but then stopped when I realized he was dead serious.

"Jeremy, I'm working under Mr. Blackstone so that I can gain experience, but I won't be in this position forever. I will be the CEO of my own company, and if not that then I will, at least, be in a higher paying position within the company. I've got to be able to afford the life I envision for myself and a one-bedroom apartment is not going to cut it for me forever," I stated and was feeling a little put off by his slightly misogynistic attitude.

"Why would you go through all of that trouble when you can just marry and have your husband provide for you, never having to worry about money again? You really could have it so easy, Gen," he replied as he had finally given up on his stained shirt and began eating again.

I scoffed quietly and pushed my salad away, "I refuse to bow to any man. I refuse to ask a man to provide for me and allow me to have money for things I want and need. I want to feel like I have contributed. I want to feel like...because of me, we thrive, not because of just a man that I am able to survive. And anyway, this is a pretty serious topic for a diner date. Let's just move on..."

Maybe it was just because I was fresh off of a ... partnership... based on lies and deceit that had just ended, but almost everything Jeremy did repulsed me now, and that was without mention of his blatant disregard for my goals in life.

And he wasn't graceful at all. He smacked when he ate, he slurped his water when he drank, and he picked his teeth with his fingernail after he was finished.

It was as if he had turned into this completely different person right in front of my eyes. This was the actual Jeremy--this misogynistic...mess of a mamas boy?

Was I supposed to excuse that my place in life to him was strictly at home, allowing my partner to fend for me and disregarding what my grandmother had ingrained into me my entire life?

Was I suppose to find his disgusting habits quirky and eventually come to understand that I would be the one to clean up after him as his mother must've?

I was clean--yes, organized--yes, and tidy--yes and while Jeremy was a slob, I would not be the one to take on the role of his caregiver--trailing after him like a maid and cleaning up his mess.

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