-Bonus Chapter-

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*So many of you wanted this so you better like it. 😂

It's gonna be kinda long and jam-packed full of soft and sweet feels so you've been warned.

Hope you enjoy.*

*Dominics POV*

"Which do you think mommy will like more," Teddy asked as he held up a Batman card and a Superman one.

I attempted to hold back my chuckle, but he always seemed to amuse me.

He couldn't read of course, but once I pointed him towards the right category he placed his little fingers to his chin and looked at the selection in deep thought.

"Which one do you like? Mommy likes when you pick from the heart," I reminded him even though I knew he didn't really care. He loved Genevieve, but he was a male and males don't typically get the reasoning behind needing to get cards. So, at the young age of five, he was no different.

He liked both Batman and Superman at the moment though, so picking between his two favorite super hero's was really throwing him through a loop.

I decided to distract him.

"I was thinking I'd get mommy something like this," I said as I handed him a card with dainty cursive writing. Something that would surely make her cry and hug me and she'd state that it was the best one she'd received yet, but she said that every year. I had a feeling she meant every word.

"Do you always want to make mommy cry," he asked as he looked at the card the only way a five-year-old boy could, with disinterest.

He knew that from the pastel colors and the writing and the small angels printed on the front that she would be a sucker for it though. He already knew her so well, just like me.

I had picked the card specifically because the angels were a boy and girl, both with dark brown hair. She'd like the sentiment, I just knew it.

"I think she'll like it," he said thoughtfully, "She always likes it."

Well, as thoughtfully as a five-year-old could.

He was me. A little miniature version of me with his mother's nose and her lips, but his eyes were mine, he was mine. There was no doubt, not that there ever had been, and I loved him so much.

"What did Olive get mommy," he asked as he gave the card back to me, effectively taking my mind away from my adoring thoughts.

"Something to do with princesses," I said as I thought of her.

Olive. My little girl. My little miniature Genevieve. She had her long, wavy dark brown hair, her nose, and lips as well, but again, my eyes.

The Blackstone eyes. And Olivia had already perfected the Blackstone smirk whereas Teddy was mostly quite expressionless as I usually was.

He took his cues from me. Smiled when I did, kissed his mother when I did, laughed when I did. He also scowled when I did, clenched his teeth and tiny fists when I did and, unfortunately, swatted his mothers behind when I did.

So, I had to stop. At least in front of the kids.

Which was and still is difficult because she is still as sassy as ever and she uses the kids to her advantage.

I had taken Olive and Teddy to the store separately so that they wouldn't be influenced by the other. They were inseparable and if allowed would come up with one card they both like, but I knew Genevieve liked getting a card from everyone.

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