Part 43

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The flight was only about an hour and a half and on our way to the airport, I called my parents to let them know that we would be touching down at about 10.

When we stepped off the plane we were immediately ambushed by my parents holding a sign that read ′WELCOME HOME, GENNY ALEXANDRA CARLYLE

"Genny," Preston chuckled in my ear and I pushed his shoulder playfully.

"Don't even think about it," I laughed before we finally made it to my parents.

"Oh, Genny, we missed you so much," my mom exclaimed as she threw her arms around me. I heard the exchange behind me between my father and Preston.

"Hello, Sir. My name is Preston Blackstone. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, Preston. The names David but you can call me Dave."

My mom and I turned just in time for dad to turn to us and gesture to my mom, "And this is my lovely wife Janine."

Preston reached his hand out to my mom, "Preston, a pleasure to meet you, ma'am."

She shook his hand, but had a look of calculation on her face, "You're her boss and you're 35?"

He looked at me and then laughed before looking back at my mother, "She must've heard me wrong. I'm 32, and I don't know about you, Janine, but I don't want anyone adding on any more years. If I could've stopped aging at 25, I would've. "

My mom tried not to, but she laughed and her face softened. She was officially hooked onto the Blackstone charm.

We made our way through the airport and I was thankful to have only one bag that was deemed 'carry on' worthy.

My dad and Preston were walking in front of us, both animated talking about something to do with... I'm not even for sure, but the sight was heartwarming and I felt my cheeks start to hurt from all the smiling I was doing.

"He's very charming," my mom said to me quietly so the men couldn't hear her.

"Yes, he is," I laced my spare hand into hers and it felt nice to be back home with my parents. It felt nice to see them interacting with someone who I thought could be a possibility, as well.

"He definitely likes you, sweetie," she said thoughtfully.

"You think so?" 

We had made it out of the airport and were now walking towards the parking lot. The Louisiana air was hot and the sun was blazing.

I suddenly wondered what I would be doing right now if I had moved north instead of deciding to settle in Dallas where my grandmother lived. Would the temperature be hot or pleasantly cool? Is the air dry or humid up there? Do they have many cloudless days like our little gulf region does?


I was interrupted from my daydreaming and found my self stationary with Preston.

"Huh?" I looked around and saw that we were at the car now, his hand reaching for my suitcase.

I gave him the handle and he put it in the trunk before shutting it.

"You okay, Kitten," he asked quietly.

My parents were in the car now and we were standing beside the open back door.

"Yeah, just thinking," I smiled and got in, moving over for him to get in as well.


"Mom! Come on! I said no baby pictures!"

My mom had taken out my baby book and was flipping through the pages showing Preston ones of me with pink bows in my hair, ones of me in the bathtub, ones of me in various pageants, and ones of me on class picture days.

"Genevieve, they're cute," Preston chuckled, "Especially this one."

He handed me a polaroid of myself in a rainbow bathing suit with my hair in pigtails and a huge smile, the gap in my teeth being the main focus of the picture.

"Thank God for braces," I cringed, but Preston grabbed my hand and squeezed it warmly.

I thought about what it would be like if Dominic were the one here right now. Would he be fawning over cute baby pictures of me? Would he find the gap I sported in my childhood photos endearing as Preston did? Would he be so warm with my parents like Preston was? Would he win over my dad as his brother had?

"Are you thinking about him?"

I looked around and we were alone in the living room for a moment.

I cleared my throat and felt bad, "Uh...yeah. Sorry. It's not fair to you."

He squeezed my hand affectionately, "No, it's ok. He's been this dominating presence in your everyday life for the past few weeks and to suddenly not have him here must be quite a difference."

I looked into his eyes, "I'm constantly thinking what it would be like if he were here right now instead if you and...I can't tell if I would want that or not. You are so different than him, yet so alike. I wonder if he would make my mom laugh as you do, or if he would get my father to open up to him as you have, or if he would laugh at my baby pictures like you did."

I smiled at him and got a reassuring smile back, "I can't say what he would do if he were here, but I can say what I am doing because I am. I'm actually having a really good time, Genevieve. I really like your mom and dad. They are nice people, but I am starting to get nervous that the ex hasn't made an appearance yet."

I laughed and stood up, "Oh, don't worry about that. It's still early, he'll show up. Let's go put our things in my room and maybe we can go for a swim."

I grabbed my suitcase from beside the couch, but he took it from my hand and followed me with his and my bags up the stairs.

"Okay, so don't judge me. I really liked the color pink when I lived here, so swear you won't laugh."

He held up three fingers and smiled, "I swear that I, Preston Connor Blackstone, will not laugh at whatever may lie on the other side of that door."

The smirk said otherwise but I opened the door anyway.

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