Part 76

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*Dominic continued*

"How long are you all staying," I asked as we gathered in the living room again.

Elijah was the first to speak, "For as long as it takes to find her. We'll be heading to a hotel later on tonight. I'll be booking it weekly until she's back with you."

I shook my head, "No, you'll all be staying here. I have plenty of room and I would rather have you close in case anythi—"

My phone started ringing in my pocket. I took it out thinking it was Lieutenant Taylor but my heart sank when I read the name.

"Genevieve?" My heart was pounding.

"Guess again, Dominic," the voice snickered.

I watched as my families eyes widened. Elijah mouthed 'speaker' so I pulled the phone away from my ear and put it on speaker phone.

"Where is she," I growled.

"Oh, you want to speak with her," the voice asked, and I could hear the smirk on its face.


My stomach dropped. She sounded so frightened. I could hear the tears most likely running down her beautiful cheeks.

"Genevieve! I'm here, baby! Are you okay?"

"Please, help me, Dominic!"

"I'm trying, Princess," I cried into the phone, "I'm doing everything I can!"

I was cautious enough not to announce that I had help in her search, but adrenaline was pumping through my veins and I felt like I was ready to snap.

"And have you been successful," the voice asked.

"No, please! Stay away from me!"

"If you so much as lay a fucking finger on her, I will rip the skin from your fucking body and then watch you bleed out slowly!"

The voice snickered, "If you can find me, that is. How close have you gotten? Not close enough, I'm assuming."

It was my turn to smirk, "I'm hot on your trail so you better watch your fucking back. I'll give it another day or so before I know who you are and then I'll find you and everyone you're working with and I'll--"

The line ended.

"FUCK," I roared and stood up. I put my hands behind my head and walked around the room.

"What now?"

"I have my DNA analysis working on figuring out who the blood from the vase shard belongs to that we found this afternoon and then we can track them down and use them to find out who employed them," Elijah said quietly.

"Preston," Nathaniel breathed out, staring behind me.

I turned around and saw my brother standing in the archway to my living room.

"Where is she you fucki--" I felt arms come around my right bicep.

"--Stop, Dominic! I asked him to come," Katherine yelled from behind me.

"Why would you do that, Katherine? He's a fucking suspect," I jerked out of her grasp, but I felt them stronger around my arm again.

I was staring into his eyes now, the eyes we shared. I couldn't believe my brother would do this to me, to her.

He held his hands up as a sign of surrender, "I'm here to join the search, brother," he said quietly.

"Oh, yeah? You gonna try and steer us in the wrong direction? You probably know exactly where she is!"

I felt a set of arms pulling my left bicep now, but I didn't care. I had a one track mine and it was set on him.

"Let go," I commanded as I stared into Prestons eyes. I wanted him to feel my wrath. It would be the last time he fucks me over and steals from me.

"I swear, Dominic, I had nothing to do with his. I do care deeply for Genevieve, but I wouldn't take her from you. She made her decision and I respect that." He didn't even have any fear in his eyes.

He was probably the only one of my siblings who could stand a chance against me and then it was pretty fucking slim.

"I don't believe you," I stated, stilling for a moment.

"I'm sorry that's so, but I would never want to harm her. Deep down a part of you must know that."

I took a deep breath and relaxed, feeling my siblings' arms loosen before I charged at Preston again.

I put my hand around his throat and backed him up against the wall of my foyer until we were eye to eye, "You have no idea where she is?"

His eyes stared into mine, searching. He put his hands up around me and I heard my siblings yelling for me to let go of his neck cease.

He grabbed my upper arms and squeezed, "I swear to you, Dominic. I have no idea where Genevieve is. I'm just as worried about her as you are. I came to aide in the search. I'll donate whatever you guys need until she is back and safe."

I looked, actually looked into his eyes. I had known this man his whole life. I knew when he was scared, when he was lying, when he was nervous...and scared he was, but I saw truth in his eyes.

I took a deep breath and let go of his neck, "If you're lying, Preston, so help me God..."

"He isn't," Katherine stated confidently.

I glared at him for a moment before turning back to Katherine, "How do you know?"

"I'm with him every day, Dom. You don't think I'd know if he was plotting and scheming to take her? If any one of us deserves Genevieve, it's me, but you don't see me plucking her from her life, do you?"

She had a slight smile on her face and as if she thought her joke was funny.

I looked back at Preston once more, "You'll help in any way you can?"

He nodded.

"Good, I have just the job for you."


"Sarah Bowden," Elijah huffed out as he sprinted into the kitchen with his laptop open and set it on the island.

"What," I asked as I stirred my coffee. I looked at the clock on the oven--5:45 in the morning.

I walked around the island and stared at his computer screen, looking at a mugshot of a young woman with blonde hair and green eyes.

"The blood belongs to a 'Sarah Bowden'! She's apparently a well-known trafficker and she's got a rap sheet as long as my arm!"

He looked into my eyes then, "We finally have the name of the voice!"

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