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I wake up to my alarm, rudely again.

I groan and pick up my phone and see that I got a message that I got an okay for a dog I secretly bought for me and to surprise Justice and Sarah. 

I pick him up after school. 

I get ready for my day and make my way to my first class since I am a little late because of my shower. 

It was the same old day, till my last class, his class.

I walk in and Brennen, I mean, Mr. Taylor asks me to come by and see him after class.

After that I was talked my ear off, by Justice and Sarah about it.

"Oo, you are getting some TONIGHT" Justice starts, and Sarah laugh. 

If I roll my eyes one more time this class, they're going to be stuck.

When the bell rings I tell the girls to meet me at my room at two, they nod and a share of  "yes Mrs. Taylor" went around. 

I roll my eyes again for the thousandth time and walk to his desk.

"So, Destiany, I just want to say, there is something about you." he starts.

"about me?" I say baffled, "Yeah, you." he finishes as he continues with, "I know you are a student of mine, but I can't get you off my mind." 

I am speechless

I pause to mentally scream

"Do you want to go out sometime?" he starts writing something down.

"I- I, can I think about it?" I choke on my words.

"Yeah, take your time babe." He slides the paper, and I take it carefully.

"Anyway, I have to go to another dumbass meeting, text me when you're down." he says and walks out.

he is bold bold

I stand there for a second replaying what just happened and realize it is almost two, and texts the girls to tell them it might be a few more minutes, and I pick up my stuff and go meet the girl to get my new puppy, I forgot that I was excited for that.

I walk across the street about about half a block to a parking lot of a target to meet the girl.

"Hi, Destiany right?" the girl that I saw online said, yay not an old creepy guy.

"Yes, Madi, right?" I question.

"Yes, I have your puppy, if you just sign this", she shows me her phone and a sheet that is on some app, and sign.

"Here is your puppy" She says as she picks him up out of the gated back seat of her car.

"He isn't named yet so you can decide."

"Thank you so much!" I exclaim, and she nods and gets into her car.

I put him down and get the leash I bought earlier on, on him, or should I say, Mello.

I like that name. He is a baby white cockapoo, he looks like marshmallow.

I text the girls that I am on my way and to meet me at my apartment.

I put in my earbuds and let my feet, and Mello, to take me to my destination.

As I make my way inside, I see Justice and Sarah walking out their apartment and Sarah stops in her tracks, and screams.

"oH My GoSH A DOg, You GoT A DoG." she yells.

"shhh, yes, this is the surprise" I say walking to the door as Colby barges out of his room.

"Sarah!-" he stops and looks down, "A DOG You GOT A DOG"

"I don't like that you guys are the same." Justice says while trying to pet the dog as Sarah and Colby have hogged him.

"His name is Mello." I say, and it is followed with many "AW Mello" all around, somehow Sam showed up and was already on the ground with the rest of them.

I cough and say, "Sarah, Justice I have some tea."

Justice stood up quickly stating that tea is way better than a dog.

I cough again and Sarah stood up, "alright alright but he is coming with us"

"duh" I say laughing, "he is mine."

"Bye Sam bye Colby" we say as we walk in and I fill them in on what happened after class. 

let's just say, all they said was about me "gettin it" or "finally a man for you" or something.

after that, Mello fell asleep on the couch, and so did Sarah, Justice left, saying something around the lines of her having the place to her self for once.

then I went to bed, thinking, do I want to go out with him?

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