Second Chance

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After school I head straight to the library and clock in and did my work and left.

Later that night me and Justice were watching Descendants, I got a message and looked at my phone.

Meet me outside in 30 minutes. In front of Cafe Cafe.

I showed Justice and she bounced back with, "I can meet him, murder in the night no one will see."

"No, I will meet with him. You can stay here." I say, as she nods and pets Mello.

I go wash my face and put my shoes on and scroll through my phone for another 15 minutes.

"I will be back Justice." I say and walk out.

I walk down the street, looking at my shoes and show up at the Cafe.

"Hey, you came." Brennen says as I walk up.

"I did" I say as I look any where but him.

"Come with me?" He asks taking out his hand.

I look at his hand and back to him. I nod and take his hand as he leads me to a parking lot.

"A car?" I ask.

"I am not kidnapping you, just please come with me" He adds on.

He opens the door for me and I sit down.

"It isn't a far drive."

I nod as we make our way down the street.

"So what is happening right now." I break the silence a few minutes later.

"My proof" is all he says as he stops the car. "Can you put on this blind fold?"

I nod my head slowly, not know what is going to happen. He gently puts it around my eyes, and got out of the car and I suppose run to my side and then opened the door, and helped me out.

"It isn't a far walk" he says and I nod, carefully trying to walk as he guides me.

A few minutes pass as we are still walking, "I am going to be murdered aren't I." He chuckles and says a quiet no.

We suddenly stops and he says, "We are here."

He gently took the blindfold off and I had to let my eyes adjust.

"This took me a few days to plan, I thought really hard about what you liked and based off the things I know, I hope you like it."

There were endless sunflowers as far as the eye can see, and the sun was setting and in the middle of us was a little picnic. It was beautiful.

I was speechless.

We sat down and all I could do was look around at all the flowers.

"I know you said you loved sunflowers, I found this spot a while ago, I come here a lot. Look at the sunset, it is always beautiful." He starts.

Before I could make words to speak he starts again, "Destiany, ever since I laid eyes on you, there was just something about you that made my head spin. I couldn't stop thinking about you, or even talking about you to my friends. You were the reason I woke up with a smile on my face. You made my days brighter. And, what happened, was never supposed to happen. I didn't see it coming, neither of us saw it coming. It was a mistake, one I can't take back. She came in asking random questions, and then pounced on me as you walked in. I never want something like that to happen unless it is you, I want you, and only you. I want your trust back. Forgive me?"

"I don't know what to say" I start, "yes, let's try this again, I believe you, but I can't just trust again that easily, I want to be with you, but I just don't want this to happen again Brennen."

"It won't, thank you for giving me another chance. I want to treat you right." He replies.

"Thank you for this Brennen, you really thought about this." I say.

"I did, I was so nervous, I still am." He adds with a little chuckle.

We spent another hour or so there and just talked, I got to know more about him, and him about me.

Maybe this is a good thing.

Second chances are good some times.

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