007: 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦

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𝘷𝘪𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘢 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩,
𝘢 𝘸𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨,

the bride lifted the bag up to her face to peek inside, not knowing of what was inside. john and charlie stood at the very back of the crowd, john choking back laughter as he watched the bride and groom's faces turned from joy, to confusion and finally to horror. a gardener snake appeared in her hand. now, the whole crowd screamed as she threw it up in the air.

charlie ducked behind john, watching the snake fall right in front of them. their non-formal clothing standing out, an aunt or uncle screamed, "who are they?!"

john was the first to make a run for it. he dashed toward everyone, snake in hand, waving it in the air to ward them off. he grabbed charlie's hand and guided her to where they couldn't see while more screams of horror erupted when john threw the snake down someone's dress.

"john!" charlie ridiculed him. he was in hysterics while watching the frantic crowd as they ran away.

"oh, the bloody looks on their faces!" he jeered.

charlie hid her face in shame as they reached the underside of a dock by the ocean. she felt a hand creep around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. he could've been drunk, but... they didn't have anything to drink that night but coffee.

alas, charlie looked to her right and saw in john's hand a bottle of stolen beer. he must've swiped it from the wedding, she supposed.

"john, you don't want to be hungover in the morning, do you? we have to get to london!" she reached over and tried to snatch it from him, but he was quicker than her.

"sod that!" he slurred, taking a hazy step away. "here, 'ave a drink," john held the bottle to her lips and a hand to the back of her head so she had no choice but to take a drink. she reluctantly sipped the vile product, coughing afterward. "was tha' 'yer first drink?"

she spat into the sand, wiping away her mouth. "yeah..." she muttered. "john, please... just throw it into the ocean!i'd like to talk to the sober john for a moment."

john scoffed, thinking about it, but not going through with it. without words, he walked over to the dimly lit underside of the dock, putting the bottle by one of the wooden posts, placing a hand on his hips after proving his nonexistent point.

"thank you," she walked to him, guiding his shoulders down into the calm, cool sand. he sat with her and leaned against the post. "now, where shall we sleep? we can sleep in my car, or we can use a bit of money to get a motel, or-"

"how about we sleep right 'ere?" john interrupted, patting the sand. "we can grab the stuff out your car and lay down on the beach, watch the stars!"

"that sounds... unsanitary." charlie mumbled, pulling her shirt down. "can't we just sleep in the car again?"

"sleeping in the car makes me back hurt!" john whined, pulling his knees to his chest and huffing. "c'mon, charlie, it'll jus' be a one-off! we'll be in london-probably in some fancy hotel by t'morow!"

closing her eyes, charlie sighed and nodded hesitantly. "go grab the stuff," she tossed him her keys while he fist-bumped the air.

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩,

charlie knew sleeping on the beach with john was a bad idea. they cuddled up in a small blanket charlie brought along, which was only about the size of a twin bed.

john wouldn't stop tossing and turning with it, giving charlie no slack! she had to slap his shoulder multiple times throughout the night because she was freezing cold. she hoped no one thought they were homeless.

to charlie's relief, john finally gave up halfway through the night. he stayed on his back, looking up at the docks, wondering how his life came to that moment, silently wishing they'd gotten a hotel but not wanting to admit to being wrong. he was freezing cold, they both were. drunk people make dumb decisions. especially men.

he felt charlie restlessly moving beside him, so he outreached a hand to her arm to calm her down. sand was everywhere. he wished they put something under them so sand wouldn't get everywhere, but they were too tired to care at that point.

wide awake, john was waiting for sunrise to fake yawn and brag about what a terrific's night sleep he got. both of them knew it was horrible, however.

john looked up and around. no one was anywhere. not even a car on the far away street was spotted. his movements startled charlie a bit, waking her from her half-asleep-half-conscious state.

she jolted up and felt instant pressure on her forehead. she must've hit her head with john's as he was laying back down. "bloody fuckin..." john uttered beneath a whisper. "are you okay?" he placed a concerned hand on her head, bringing it closer to his. "ah, shit, 'yer bleedin'" john muttered.

"i am?"

"not horribly..." he lied. he wiped his finger over her slashed forehead, taking a mound of blood with it. "you have band-aids in your bag?"

he reached behind her back, grabbing the warm bag from where her now injured head lay. digging inside the packed bag, he finally reached a small box of band-aids.

"'ere we are," john mumbled, unwrapping the plastic and throwing it aside. he swept his fingers over the bloody mess again, this time adding pressure for relief.

he placed the band-aid over it, making sure it was fully covering it. bending forward, he kissed her forehead. "all better." they smiled.

𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 | JOHN LENNONWhere stories live. Discover now