*- 2 - Deal with it, Weasel

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"Y/N, wake up, class starts in 10 minutes", I heard and groaned.

"Just one more minute", I said and rolled over. I yelped as I tumbled out of my bed and onto the hard wooden floor. The girls around me started laughing hysterically.

Right, I wasn't at home in my double bed, I was at Hogwarts in a single bed. Well, not in the bed anymore.

"For Merlin's sake", I mumbled and opened my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Alicia asked and I nodded. I pulled myself up from the ground and quickly made my bed.

"Did I miss breakfast?" I groaned and Katie chuckled.

"Yes, but I brought you some", she said and handed me a plate with some toast and bacon.

"Thank you", I mumbled and ate quickly. Day one and I had missed breakfast, how terrific.

"We'll wake you up next time", Alicia said and I nodded. 

"Or I should set an alarm for once", I added.

I quickly put on my robes and brushed my teeth. I tried containing the mess that was my hair, without much success. I always showered at night since I could never find enough dedication to wake up early in the morning. This resulted in a birds nest the morning after.

"You're going to rip all your hair out, relax", Alicia said and walked up to me.

"Allow me", she said and took out her wand. "Crinus Muto", she said and my hair unraveled and turned smooth and silky in a mere second. I stared at it with wide eyes and full of admiration.

"I need to learn that spell", I stated.

"Please don't try it on yourself the first few times. It doesn't always go as planned at first", Alicia said, indicating that it had gone wrong before.

We headed off to the first class of the day, which was Transfiguration. I had just entered the classroom when someone ran past and hit my shoulder hard, causing me to drop my books and quill.

"Are you kidding me?" I mumbled annoyed. Not really because of the dude bumping into me, although that wasn't particularly pleasant either, but because I could scratch off the last item on my cliche list. Dropping my books, seriously?

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to", the guy said as he noticed and started picking up my stuff.

"It's fine really, don't worry", I said and tried to get rid of my morning mood by putting up a smile and looking up, just to be met by a familiar face. I suddenly didn't feel very grumpy anymore. "We should stop meeting like this, Mr Weasley", I said and started gathering my stuff as well.

"What do you mean?" he asked and I looked up confused. Did he forget? I looked at him for a while, trying to figure out whether he was joking.

"Did you already forget about me?" I asked and took my stuff from him.

"Oh, no, the sorting ceremony. You're the new girl, right?" he asked and I frowned. He really didn't remember anymore. Wow, was I that boring?

"Yeah, but I was referring to the walk to the headmaster's office", I said carefully. What an odd guy. He frowned again and then he started laughing.

"What?" I asked surprised, a smile creeping on my face. His laugh was really contagious.

"We haven't really met yet", he said and I blinked a couple of times.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't dream that", I said and crossed my arms.

"Oh you didn't", he mumbled, still laughing.

Oi Homeschooled - Fred Weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now