*- 59 - If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp

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I was nervously waiting outside of the Potions classroom, my box of potions shaking in my hands. Fred stood behind me and tried to calm me down, but it was of little use. Why was I so nervous? I knew my potions were good and so were my essays, but this was not just some homework. This would decide my entire future and it was all in the hands of a teacher who despised every Gryffindor alive.

"Come in", I heard and my heart started to beat even faster.

"Relax, you've got this", Fred said shook my shoulders lightly. I nodded nervously.

"Come on. You're going to ace it", he said and gave me a quick kiss before he pushed me towards the door. I opened it, gathered all the confidence I had left and walked over to Snape's desk.

"Miss Y/L/N", he said without looking up from an essay he was grading. I gently put the box down on his desk and waited for him to say ... well, anything really.

"Wolfsbane potion", he said and extended his hand. I grabbed the potion and essay from the box and handed it to him. He searched his desk and got out a stand with four potions in them. He was going to compare mine to his. My nerves only got worse, but I tried to stay calm. He asked the requested potions one by one and put them in the stand next to his own ones.

"Original potion?" he asked and I took a deep breath. This was the moment. I got out both my original potions and handed them to him.

"I only asked for one", he stated. Oh Merlin, he was probably thinking about what a show-off I was trying to be.

"I know, sir, but the first one was too rudimentary to my liking", I said.

"Which is?"

"That one is a sense-enhancing potion. It enhances smell, sight, taste, hearing and touch."

"I know what the senses are." I swallowed the lump in my throat and waited patiently.

"Have you tested it?"

"Of course, sir."

"I guess I'll have to find a first-year to do that. What's this?" he then asked and pointed at the dark grey potion that was left.

"It's an Occlumency potion, sir. It is impossible to look into the mind of the person who has taken it." It was my little masterpiece and the way things were going, I really hoped he would think so too.

"How have you tested it?"

"I taught the twins the Legilimens charm. I tried the potion and so did they. It took me a while, but I believe I succeeded." Snape looked at the potion for a while, twirling it in his hand.

"You can go now." I frowned. What? Was he not going to say anything at all? And what about a letter of recommendation or an opinion? Would I get an Oustanding in his course at least?

"What? Uhmm... Well, was it okay?" I asked nervously.

"You can go now." I was speechless. He had to be joking. I had worked on this for months and he was not going to tell me anything? I reluctantly picked up the box and left the classroom.

Fred was standing right outside the door, probably trying to listen in on the conversation.

"And?" he asked eagerly when I left the classroom. "How did it go?"

"I don't know!" I said and tried not to get upset. I had waited for this moment for so long and I had felt so anxious about it and this was the result.

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"Exactly that. He didn't tell me anything. He just took my stuff, asked me what it was and then sent me out." I was panicking slightly. This was not how I had expected things to go. I had not expected everything to go flawlessly, but I had at least hoped to get some kind of feedback.

Oi Homeschooled - Fred Weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now