*- 17 - No one does that to my girl

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Classes were rather boring since I had studied ahead a bit during the break. I played a game of tic-tac-toe during Charms with Lee and luckily we didn't get caught. Apparently, Katie was kind of seeing this one guy from Ravenclaw, so lunch was mainly focused on that.

The afternoon consisted of Care of Magical Creatures, which I really liked even though the twins weren't in that class with me. I played a game of Gobstones with Angelina and then went for supper. I saw Michael once more just before supper and he winked at me again. This newfound crush had really made him more confident and it weirded me out just a little bit. He acted a little bit like Fred.

"So, I guess it's almost time for your Durmstrang date", Katie joked.

"It's not a date. I'm literally helping him get another girl", I said.

"Are you sure you don't want a little piece for yourself?" Angelina asked. "I mean, I would", she said and I rolled my eyes laughing.

"You can have him, he's not my type", I said.

"Yeah, Y/N, we still don't know what you're type is", Fred said and stared into my eyes intensely. Why did I choose to sit in front of him again? I tried not to blush, but it was hopeless. How was I supposed to get over him if he acted like this?

"None of your business", I said and stood up. "I'll see you in the common room."


I was leaning against the Owlery as I saw his figure walking up to me. It was already getting dark and really, really cold, so maybe we should switch locations.

"Hey Michael", I said and he greeted me back. He was wearing this cologne he normally wasn't wearing and it was throwing me off.

"Maybe we should go inside, it's getting dark", I said but he shrugged.

"No need, I'm not scared of the dark. Besides, we have important matters to discuss", he said. I chuckled and looked for the bottle of perfume and handed it to him.

"It's a creation of the Weasley twins. It smells of the thing that you love."

"What do you smell?" he asked, spraying a little bit of the perfume in the air. I blushed as the scent of honey, cinnamon and fireworks overwhelmed me. Fred, all I could smell was Fred. I really had to stop being so absolutely hopeless.

"Many things", I said, vaguely, not wanting to discuss my one-sided feelings with Michael. I didn't really discuss them with anyone, but I didn't know Michael well enough for that yet. Maybe I could talk to Cedric about it. Despite Fred not liking him, I really enjoyed spending time with him. He was incredibly kind and thoughtful and a great, great friend.

"If your girl smells that, you'll definitely get her attention", I said, pushing the thoughts away. 

"I'm not sure if I still want her attention", he said and I frowned.

"What? I thought you really liked her", I said.

"I really like someone else now", he said and bit his lip. That response took me completely by surprise and I didn't quite know what to say or do.

"What do you mean?" I said, crossing my arms defensively.

"I just realised that I never really liked the Beauxbatons girl. There's another one that caught my eye on day one and I never stopped thinking about her ever since", he whispered, taking a step closer. I didn't like the direction this was headed in. Something didn't feel right.

"Who?" I asked, even though I knew the answer already. I tried to take a step back, but the building was preventing me from doing so.

"A certain Hogwarts beauty", he said and pushed some hair behind my shoulder. He gently cupped my chin and smiled.

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