*- 8 - Well, you're no fun

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Just three days later, the first task of the Triwizard Tournament took place. I could not control my nerves whatsoever. When I came across Cedric in the hallway, just an hour before the task, I felt the need to talk to him.

"Hi Cedric", I said.

"Hey Y/N, good to see you", he said, clearly nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked - stupid question - and fiddled with my fingers.

"I thought I was nervous, but you don't seem to be doing much better", he said smiling. I was nervous, very much so. I just didn't want anyone to get hurt.

"Just, be careful, okay?" I said and took a deep breath.

"Are you worried about me, Y/L/N?" he asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"People die in this tournament, you know?" I said and he shrugged.

"But people win too", he said.

"Well, good luck. I'll be rooting for you", I said and he smiled.

"Thanks", he winked and then made his way to the Quidditch field where the task would take place.

"Y/N, sorry to interrupt your love bubble, but we have a tournament to go to", Angelina said as she popped up behind me.

"I was just wishing him good luck", I said and held up my hands.

"Where are the twins?" I asked, noticing their absence.

"They're getting people to bet on the winner and on who will get injured", Katie said and I rolled my eyes. Betting on who gets hurt? They were such idiots.

We walked to the Quidditch field and I nervously waited for this all to be over.

"So, Homeschooled, want to place a bet?" Fred asked as we passed them on the way to our field.

"You're betting on people's lives, that's so inconsiderate", I said and crossed my arms.

"Technically, you're betting on who will win", he said with a smirk. Why was he finding this so amusing?

"What if someone dies out there, won't you feel bad at all? You're literally trying to make money off of other people getting hurt."

"Those are two separate things", Fred said. 

"You're so insensitive sometimes", I sighed. I normally wouldn't get so annoyed about it, they didn't mean any harm, but I was just really on edge because of this tournament. I had a bad feeling about it, even though I wasn't even that close to Cedric.

"Well, you're no fun", he mumbled, which stung a little.

"I bet five sickles that Cedric is going to win", I said. Did I really think Cedric was going to win? Not really, but the annoyed look on Fred's face was worth it.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you", George said as he wrote down my answer, not taking my eyes off of Fred.

"Have a great game, I'm sure pretty boy Diggory will do great", he said with a fake smile as I pushed past him.


"What was that all about?" George asked. I was still looking at the spot Y/N just stood and I was still annoyed.

"Nothing", I mumbled and closed the box. "What does she even see in him?" I asked myself.

"He seems to be kind to her, you should try it sometimes", George said.

"I am kind to her."

"Are you really? You're joking most of the times and if you're not, you get situations like the one that just happened", he said and I rolled my eyes.

Oi Homeschooled - Fred Weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now