Word of thanks

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Hello and welcome to the end of my book. It has sure been one hell of a ride. Although my heart felt very heavy when writing "the end", I knew I had to finish it today. It has come full circle and this was the perfect time to close it.

I hope you enjoyed my story and most of all, I hope I inspired you at least a little bit. Wattpad is such a wonderful platform for all the creative people out there and if you have the chance of using it, why don't you? Wattpad has meant a great deal to me, especially since I started writing, and I hope it can be just as special to some of you. It rarely ever judges, it's super supportive and it's a creative outlet like no other. I now challenge you to be creative.

You, the person that is reading this, are a creative person. You might think "no I'm not", but you are. Every person who's gone to Wattpad to read fanfiction about a pretty minor character of a book series about magic has a creative mind. You have an imagination above average and I hope you never lose that, because a mind where anything can happen makes a life where anything can happen. I hope that one day I can tell my children about wizards, fairies, magic and creatures with as much enthusiasm and creativity as I would today.

Anyway, if you're still reading, thank you so much. Thank you so much for reading my entire story. I wrote this one with a lot of love and I hope it showed. Fred has always been a character that I felt so much warmth towards and almost every page of this book that I wrote (279 on Word, can you believe that?!) made me smile so much. Fan phases come and go for me, but I will always smile when I think of Fred Weasley. I wanted to create something that would describe that warmth and feed my creativity, so here it is: "Oi Homeschooled". Now, if you were around when it was still called "A little bird told me", then you're a real OG. I changed the title, because honestly, I wanted something that described the entire book and the previous title didn't do that for me.

Anyway, I hope I pleased your inner fangirl. I wrote this to please myself, so this story might not do so well, but I don't care. This book will forever be a memory, a learning experience and a passion. I don't know what I'll write now ... I published a couple books in the past, but this one and my Draco Malfoy fanfic "Filthy Little Secret" are the only ones that I am genuinely very, very proud of. They are my babies. I'm waiting for a next fan phase to pop up, so I can write about that or maybe I'll even write something that's not fanfiction. I've always wanted to write a novel ... All I know is that I will never ever stop writing and that Wattpad will always be a safe haven for me. So if you want to see what is next, give me a follow!

If you have any comments, questions or random things you want to tell me, but rather not in the comments, you can always DM me. I have become a Wattpad ambassador as well recently (jeey), so I am active daily.

One last time: thank you so freaking much for reading this story! I'd love to hear what you thought of it, so please tell me in the comments!

This will definitely not be the last you've heard of me. ;)

This is where I officially end "Oi Homeschooled", by me, Hanne.
Thank you so much.


Oi Homeschooled - Fred Weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now