*- 42 - I preferred fights when I was younger

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I woke up feeling a little better. It was a new day and things would be alright. Class would actually begin today and I was excited. We'd get our class schedules at breakfast, so there were no daunting double hours yet known to stress about.

I got dressed and used my favourite spell to sort out my hair. I had to miss it during all of July, so when my seventeenth birthday rolled around, that was definitely the first spell I used.

"Ready to go?" Katie asked, who seemed super tired. I chuckled and nodded. The boys were waiting in the common room, all spread out over a couch, half asleep.

"Come on gentlemen, time to seize the day", Angelina said loudly, earning her a few grunts. She was a morning person and I both admired and hated her for it.

"Jeez, you look like you haven't slept in days, Freddie. Did Y/N keep you awake?" Angelina said and winked at me. That definitely hadn't been the case, so I just laughed awkwardly. Fred looked at me and smiled slightly. I couldn't quite figure out what he wanted or how he felt. I often struggled with that with Fred. 

We walked to breakfast and Fred and George were constantly whispering, but I couldn't figure out what about. I walked past Cho and Marietta in the hallways, who both smiled at me, so I did the same.

McGonagall was already handing out class schedules, so we lined up to get ours.

"The Weasley twins, let me see", she said and searched through her pile of papers. She handed them their schedule which they were sure to lose in a week tops.

"Miss Y/L/N, here you go", she said and handed me mine. I scanned the paper and was quite happy with the results.

"Free first period, that's fun", I said. Everyone except for Katie ended up having a free first period today, which she was not pleased with.

"We've got Potions with Slytherin, how fun", George grunted, his mouth filled with bread.

"Jeez, chew before you talk, please", Angelina said who was sitting opposite him. George chewed extra loudly, just to annoy her, in which he succeeded.

The owls came with the post, but barely anyone got mail, since it was just the first official day of school. Some first-years did and surprisingly, Fred got a letter too.

"What? It's from mum", he said and frowned at George, who shrugged. He put it away unopened. I read my schedule again, trying to memorize some classes already.

We had Charms and Care of Magical Creatures with Ravenclaw, which I did not mind at all. I stuffed the last piece of toast in my mouth and stood up.

"Woah there, watch where you're going, Y/L/N", I heard and turned around. I was about to apologize when I saw that it was Roger.

"Or maybe it's the other way around", I said and raised an eyebrow.

"Do we have classes together?" he asked and pointed at my schedule that was still on the table. Maybe it was me who would lose it in a week tops.

"If you follow Charms and Care of Magical Creatures."


"Awesome! I guess I'll see you in ... fourth period", I said while looking at my schedule.

"Cool, see you then", he said and left. I smiled and turned back to my friends, who had stood up as well. Fred had a clear annoyed look on his face. We needed to talk about this. He could not get jealous this easily. But he walked towards the exit with George and Lee before I could reach him. 

"You should introduce me to him sometime, he's cute", Alicia chuckled as we followed the boys. 

"Absolutely not", Angelina huffed. "He's captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, he's basically the enemy. We're taking the cup this year, I promise you."

Oi Homeschooled - Fred Weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now