*- 10 - That little bird might be correct

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"Have you asked her to the Yule Ball already?" George asked. We were studying for a stupid Potions test. We had to switch partners last month, so Potions was a lot less fun without Y/N to make sure I didn't fail.

"No", I mumbled.

"Well, hurry up, will you? Someone else is going to ask her if you don't. I heard the Durmstrang asked her yesterday", George said and I looked up confused.

"He did?" George nodded. "She declined though."

I look back at my parchment frustrated. I hadn't been the nicest the last time we talked, which is why I was so hesistant to ask her. I was so scared she would say no.

"The Yule ball is in two weeks, she's going to think you don't want to go with her", George said and I sighed.

"I will, okay?" I said and ignored him. If she said no I could always joke about it. I was being a coward, protecting myself from being turned down. Maybe she would say yes, I had to try. I mean, she had to like me a little bit. That moment in the hallway a couple weeks ago was something special, also for her, I just knew that. I just had to suck it up and ask her.

"I'll ask her", I said, more to myself than to George.


We were walking to the Great Hall for a study session with - unfortunately - Snape, when a hand grabbed me and pulled me outside.

"Jeez, Fred, what are you up to?" I asked laughing. He let go of me and I tried to find my balance again.

"Sorry, I needed to talk to you", he said.

"And a normal hey, I need to talk to you doesn't do it?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Well, what's up?" I asked. He looked nervous.

"Well, I have an important question for you." A question? Could he maybe mean ...

"A little bird told me that you don't have any plans for the night of 25 December" he said and I couldn't help but smile. He was going to ask me to the Yule Ball.

"That little bird might be correct", I replied. Before he could say something else, Cedric popped up behind him.

"I'm sorry Weasley, but I really need to ask Y/N something, it's important", he said. Fred's smiled faded and he rolled his eyes.

"We're in the middle of a conversation here", he said annoyed.

"It'll just be a second, I promise", Cedric said and slightly pushed him aside, which I found rather rude.

"Y/N Y/L/N, do you want to be my date to the Yule Ball?" he asked. I didn't know what to do. Fred was going to ask me and now Cedric was asking me and it was all a little overwhelming. I looked over to Fred, but he walked away.

"Wait, Fred!" I called after him, but he ignored me.

"So, what do you say?" Cedric asked, a bit uncomfortable.

"First of all, it was very rude of you to interrupt like that", I said and he sighed.

"I know, but I have class in five minutes and I couldn't risk waiting any longer", he said. I rubbed my eyes.

"Look Cedric, you're a really nice guy, but I think Fred was about to ask me", I said. "And I actually really wanted to go with him, I'm sorry." Cedric's face fell and he rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Oh, okay, yeah I understand", he said.

"I'm really sorry, you're absolutely great though, don't get me wrong."

"No, no it's fine. I think I kind of already knew that you liked him, but I had to shoot my shot," he said and I blushed slightly. Was it so obvious that I liked Fred? I mean, I did, but I didn't think other people noticed.

"But, we're good, right? I do like you a lot, but just as friends" I asked and he smiled.

"Of course we are, come here", he said and pulled me into a hug.

"Now go get your ginger", he said with a wink and smirked.

"I'm afraid I'm almost late for a study session with Snape so the ginger will have to wait", I shouted and ran away, relief washing over me. 

It didn't matter that Cedric had interrupted now. I knew that Fred was going to ask me to the Yule Ball, I was sure of it and I knew how to fix it. I was just going to ask Fred myself.


She said yes, of course she did! I had a little bit of hope that maybe she would turn him down, but of course she didn't. It was pretty boy Diggory for Merlin's sake. She was blushing and smiling and she hugged him. He just had to ruin it. I felt so angry. Angry at myself for waiting too long, angry at Cedric for asking her and angry at Y/N for choosing him over me. I mean, I knew he was a lot smarter and more handsome than me, but it still hurt.

"You don't know what she said", George said and ran after me.

"Of course I do, you don't blush when you turn someone down", I said, completely frustrated. I wanted to hurt someone.

I dropped my bag and took an empty spot at the table, feeling Snape's eyes on me.

Y/N walked in and smiled at me, but I just ignored her. I didn't know why I was so mad at her, but I was. It was her choice, I just didn't like it. She sat down diagonally opposite of me, which made it only harder to calm down.

"Dude, relax, you're going to break your quill in half", George whispered in my ear and I took a couple of deep breaths. She was just a girl. Ron and Harry sat down at our table and Snape closed the door. Y/N was writing something down on a piece of paper, probably to tell her friends about her gorgeous date. Well, if she had a date, that didn't mean I couldn't have one. I crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it at Angelina. She looked up confused. Everyone kind of looked up.

"Do you want to go to the ball with me?" I whispered. She looked at Y/N and I forced myself to not do the same. Cedric, I mouthed.

"Uhm, sure then", Angelina said hesitantly.

I wanted to hurt someone, so I hurt her.


My chest tightened and I was struggling to breath properly. He asked Angelina? Straight up, whilst I was sitting a yard away from him, he asked her. I closed my eyes to fight the tears and looked down as if I was studying, so no one would notice my pain. The last time I felt this pain was when my mother died. It felt so similar. A pain that goes straight to the heart. I clenched my quill to stop my hand from shaking, but it was no use. I knew that people were staring at me and it would only be a matter of moments before tears would spill. I quickly shoved everything in my bag and ran out of the Great Hall. I crumpled the piece of paper with Want to go to the Yule Ball with me? :) on it and threw it away.

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